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I remember that day very vividly. Once the towers were hit, I knew that I wasn't going to be sticking around for too long. I was with my family in Texas when it happened and was called back to NC to deploy ASAP. To make a long story short, I ended up in Afghanistan with the 26TH MEU (Marine Expiditionary Unit) We were the first unit to start dropping bombs all over the taliban that were dug in around Kandahar airfield. I spent 9 months on that deployment. I remember seeing that guy John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban get the shit kicked out of him by a Marine. He was yelling and screaming at the guards as he was being led away, saying that all Americans should die. Next thing he knew he was waking up. One very big Marine had enough of his mouth and shut it for him. He deserved it. I'm very proud to be an American and I love that I am a Marine. I wish that we didn't have to suffer throught that horrible day 5 years ago. May God bless everyone that was lost on that day and their families.

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My experience was very similar, except being a in the USMCR I had to wait til Jan 2003 to get my payback, and a little more in Mar 03', now I train our Marines to go over and get some payback for me. On a side note I saw a two page ad in a magazine while in Iraq and decided there and the SSS was the next truck I was going to get!

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I had just woke up from sleeping off a mid-watch when someone came in the bathroom where I was shaving to tell me. I was stunned seeing it on TV. We were 2 days out of the Arabian Gulf after spending 6 consecutive weeks supporting Operations Southern and Northern Watch onboard USS Enterprise. We were going about 25knots heading to Capetown, South Africa for our last port visit and you all of a sudden could feel the ship slow (some of the noises get quieter) and then you felt the ship do a slight roll. Seconds later the Commading Officer came on the 1MC to tell everyone that we had just been ordered to proceed to the North Arabian Sea to await tasking - but we knew what was coming the instant the ship slowed. We sat for 3 weeks waiting for the masses to form around us and then watched the loaded planes leave the deck after watching numerous tomahawks leave their tubes.


I have never seen so many people (6500 onboard) go from anxious and excited about heading home (3 wks left of 6 months), to go to wanting to stand and fight.


I haven't done tours in either Iraq or Afghanistan, but think of those guys nearly everyday. I have stood my time in with honor and pride in my country, but have never put my feet on the ground of hostile territory. Hats off to those who have and made it back. To those who made the ultimate sacrifice...., God Bless them and their families and loved ones. Good or bad for what they died for...Heroes to us all.

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