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Lil' advice needed...


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ofcourse a RM 250 will "walk all over" a 250F cause there not the same class. you think it would walk all over a 450f?  mmmmmmmmmm no.


a 2 strokes u have to have rapped out for it too get power. u cant lug around  on it.

they arent even making any more 2 strokes here soon cause of pollution.  and the reason i said you foul a plug on a 2 stroke if you havent had alot of experience on a dirt bike you will foul plugs. 4 strokes are way better for a beginner. in his case. to each his own. i think ill be a **** and keep my 4 stroke.  (oopss i mean sissy lemme edit that real quick)

Dude address me when your on my level and like I said get your facts right, where did I once say my rm will walk all over a 250f? The whole point I was getting at, if its his first bike why spend so much money on something he is mostly likely going to bang up. And when you tear down numorous bikes each week to work on them like I do then you can tell me about maintaining them. Like i said, I HAVE OWNED MANY 4t's and 2T's and I gave him my opinion on his best option for a beginner, key words "MY OPINION." Oh and I have owned numorous 450's, a 426 and a 400 so I think I know a little about the newer 450 bikes


i think ill be a **** and keep my 4 stroke.  (oopss i mean sissy lemme edit that real quick)


Keep your 4 stroke I could care less, not trying to help you out here but since your so tuned in on this subject I dont care what you ride, i'll still beat you on the trails or on the track on any 125 or 250 2t, but thats just me and obviously I am an internet tough guy, try re-reading my posts and have a good ol day :cheers:

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You guys ever heard of Mike Ladner? He was from South Dakota and ran the Pro circuit pretty highly ranked. He is my construction prime contractor and he was talking about riding against Carmichael and McGrath ... I know absolutly nothign about MX or SX or whatever its called :D I have heard from everyone except him about how good he was, maybe just a local legend.

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All my friends ride dirt bikes, and I wanted to get into it as well. I am going to look at a 2006 Honda Crf250r this weekend. I know absolutely nothing about bikes. Is there anything in particular to look for on slightly used dirt bikes or does anyone know of a common defect with these bikes...I couldn't find anything negative online. Like I said its an 06 and the guy is giving me a great deal $4,000 b/c he says wouldn't mind helping out a student getting into riding, oh and he is f'n loaded...he already bought 4 new 07's. Even if I sell it in a year, I don't think I will lose too much, if anything...But I wouldn't mind putting the 4k into my truck, any advice is greatly needed...


-buying remorse AJ



What is your wieght

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thanks for all the advice guys, sorry if i ruffled a few die-hard 2 / 4 strokers out there. i think if everything looks good, the 4k would be a great deal. 2004-2006 crf250's go for 3200-4800 and new leftovers are 5900 out the door. if i put 4k in the bike i will get at least 3500 back in a year, where as if it goes in the truck, i probably won't see a return. being 5' 9" 140lbs i think a 250f will be fast enough where i can have fun and learn the basics. but thanks for all the things to look for, they definately will help me out.

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thanks for all the advice guys, sorry if i ruffled a few die-hard 2 / 4 strokers out there. i think if everything looks good, the 4k would be a great deal. 2004-2006 crf250's go for 3200-4800 and new leftovers are 5900 out the door. if i put 4k in the bike i will get at least 3500 back in a year, where as if it goes in the truck, i probably won't see a return. being 5' 9" 140lbs i think a 250f will be fast enough where i can have fun and learn the basics. but thanks for all the things to look for, they definately will help me out.


IMO you'll get tired of the 250 rather quick. Id opt for the CRF450, but considering your weight/size the 250 may work for you. Good luck, sounds like the 250 is decently priced.

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thanks for all the advice guys, sorry if i ruffled a few die-hard 2 / 4 strokers out there. i think if everything looks good, the 4k would be a great deal. 2004-2006 crf250's go for 3200-4800 and new leftovers are 5900 out the door. if i put 4k in the bike i will get at least 3500 back in a year, where as if it goes in the truck, i probably won't see a return. being 5' 9" 140lbs i think a 250f will be fast enough where i can have fun and learn the basics. but thanks for all the things to look for, they definately will help me out.



For your wieght its not bad to stay with the 250, but I would go with something 2005 and up becasue they made some good changes on the 05 bike

Have fun

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