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My friend's dad is an attorney! He said he will help! The cop has no proof! You people here dont actually know what happened that night! That is why the cop let me go because he knew he gave me a  :icon_bs: ticket!






Talking to you is like talking to my 2 yr old nephew dude. You have no clue. I hope a guy driving a Ford with gay oversized rims T-bones you on the way to your court date.

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My friend's dad is an attorney! He said he will help! The cop has no proof! You people here dont actually know what happened that night! That is why the cop let me go because he knew he gave me a  :icon_bs: ticket!






Talking to you is like talking to my 2 yr old nephew dude. You have no clue. I hope a guy driving a Ford with gay oversized rims T-bones you on the way to your court date.


:crackup: Diet mt. dew came through my nose on that one. :crackup:

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you were speeding or no? Be a man, and step up if you were. if you weren't, then you have reason to complain. I got alot of tickets when i first got my liscense, all for between 10 and 20 over the speed limit. I lost my liscense several times and paid for it. Any cop who pulls my record had me labled. But I havn't gotton a ticket for 3 years. I have learned from my mistakes, and I suggest you do the same. Or you could pay my insurance for me. How does 5800 a year sound. Oh, but I did get a discount this year. Gave me 600 back. Between the tickets and insurance, I've probably paid for another SS ($40,000). Just a waste of money for being a dumbass when I was younger.

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I have a 80 in a 55 and go the court on the 24 Oct (reckless Driving). I screwed up. I took a 8 Hr driver improvement class which I realized how F$#@ up I was for speeding. I am going to be lucky if I only pay 500 fine. No more than 10 over on the Highway for me. I learned my lesson :banghead:

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My friend's dad is an attorney! He said he will help! The cop has no proof! You people here dont actually know what happened that night! That is why the cop let me go because he knew he gave me a  :icon_bs: ticket!

lol dude ur funny@@ :driving:  wuts the worst that can happen? me pay more more fines...who cares..boo hoo! :driving:


Dude...I will personally refund you your supporting member money if you promise never to come back to this site again.

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lol...insurance is the least of my worries@@


Ok, then how about the 8 year old that you could have hit. that dosen't concern you? Inconsiderate ass holes like you are the same reason I always park my cars it the back of the parking lot so you can't open the door into mine. You have no respect for others.

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