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Southern California....


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Is anyone else in the location of the SoCal fires? I hope everyone is safe. This was my status at around 11:00a.m. in East Lake out by Otay Lake and the Olypic training facility. I have a fire just to the East of me in the Otay mountains spreading N.W. and have 4 more fires North about 25-30mi. (as the bird flys, not by roadways) coming towards me.





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Orange was downwind of the fires yesterday. Ash falling all day long, and no breeze. The sun was red and you could even see sun spots on the sun. This picture is only a couple of hours worth ash. And I just washed the truck Friday :rolleyes:



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Here is an update as of about 1:30p.m. These pics are from about 5-8 mi away at my townhome. It is moving closer though. I'll update as long as I can if an evacuation makes it to me. I don't feel it'll make it this far :uhoh: , but I'm prepared to get outta here :)






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My Prayers and thoughts are with you guys that are in harms way in CA. I went through the Rodeo/Chedeski fire and evacuation in AZ in 2002 and know what your guys are going through.



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