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Sad Day....totaled


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Damn Big O looks like your girl had a lot rougher ride than mine did, glad she was ok.

Before she went to bed tonight she said "you know I won't try and tell you what to buy since you won't listen anyway. But I want side air bags next time." She's got a pretty good bump on the head from snapping back across into the window. I'm gonna miss that truck, I just renewed the tags on it, I've had it two years, I've never kept a car that long before.


Glad to hear your GF is ok, she may have been lucky she was driving a full size truck. Was the other driver DUI or just DWHUA?

Driving while on a cell phone from what I understand. I'm gonna skip the rest of the description of the driver but I bet you guys can guess :crackup:

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Wow man, glad she is ok, i'm sure you'll pick another nice ride out. Hope it all works out for ya either way.


Damn Big O looks like your girl had a lot rougher ride than mine did, glad she was ok. 

Before she went to bed tonight she said "you know I won't try and tell you what to buy since you won't listen anyway.  But I want side air bags next time."  She's got a pretty good bump on the head from snapping back across into the window.  I'm gonna miss that truck, I just renewed the tags on it, I've had it two years, I've never kept a car that long before.

And that it why it was your truck and not HERS :chevy:

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The whole reason I got my SS is because a guy ran a red light and hit me. I had the truck taken to a friend of mine who own's a body shop to do the repair work. I had a choice if I wanted to have the truck totaled or not and after much thought, I decided to total it. It was a very hard decision because I had so much time and money in the truck (mainly from the frontend conversion), not to mention I only owed $2K on the truck. The main reason I decided to total the truck is I knew I was going to get a SS.




Edited by n2opwr (see edit history)
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Gotta agree with everyone here, glad that your gf did not have to go to the emergency room. I'm sorry that you lost your truck. But it's just a truck. As BMan says resist the urge to rush out and buy something, wait for a bit and you will find what you really want - and don't kid yourself, we all know you want another black SS! :P . Honestly, sounds like things could have turned out a lot worse; any crash you can walk away from (both physically and financially) is a good one.


n2opowr - that was a really pretty GMC :tear:


Mr. P.

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This always a bad situation, nobody really ever knows what to say, other glad everyones okay. It's hard to lose the truck like that man it suck. For sure you will find something, and make yours again! One more black down :( Good luck with everything.

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First of all ...  I'm glad everyone is alright ...

Sorry to hear about your Truck ... It blows having some A$$-Clown out on the road driving irratically ....

Hope it all works out for the best ....



wow dude...that just sucks!!!! :banghead:

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