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People are so Ignorant.


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i'm bitter by nature for some reason. and cynical too. yesterday, i was tailgating before the Pats/Bears game and a guy from across the lot with a silverado crew cab came over and wanted to check out the SS. it actually made me feel good for a few minutes.


well, that, the beer, and a win made me feel good.

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bottom line is.. that it sucks.. big time


i'll share with you some wisdom my father shared with me:


"anything that is on the street is going to get f%^&ed up, so don't concern yourself with it so much, because in a few years, you'll be on the next one anyway. key thing here is what is called the 4 F's: ya FIND em, ya FEEL em, ya F^&CK em, and ya FORGET em."


he told me this when i was all angry about my truck first getting hit by a another car's door and second getting vandalized.


look the first week i had my truck, someone dinged it, i parked far away and everything, and the person who did it could've parked else where too but shit happens.


last weekend someone decided to add their own racing stripes to my truck with a permanent marker ( i posted on it a few days back under "MY TRUCK GOT VANDALIZED")


fact of the matter is, no one gives a shit about you or your possessions but you. it sucks but that's the way it is.


going out and beating someone up or shooting someone is the dumbest thing ever.

at the time it may seem right (believe me i wanted to as well, i am no saint)


sometimes i could kill over the frustration, but there's nothing you can do to change it, it sucks but that's life. don't ruin your own life over a stupid car, because at the end of the day, that's what it is, a stupid car.

don't get me wrong, i love my truck, but it is still a material possession therefore to me, it isn't all that important in light of other things in my life...(get my drift?)


o well... just my $0.02 :seeya:

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i would have confronted the entire group. introduced myself and started to hammer them with questions. like said bnefore you cna tell the guilty party by body language and eye contact. when someone is talking to me i bielieve in 100% eye contact and if the person that is taking too you is right handed and there eyes got to the left side of their brain they are lying that is the side of the brain this used foir thinking and if thye are left handed their eyes wilol got the the right side of there head. I dont remeber where hearing this i think it was a book i was reading about how to read peoples body movment.

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bottom line is.. that it sucks.. big time


i'll share with you some wisdom my father shared with me:


"anything that is on the street is going to get f%^&ed up, so don't concern yourself with it so much, because in a few years, you'll be on the next one anyway. key thing here is what is called the 4 F's: ya FIND em, ya FEEL em, ya F^&CK em, and ya FORGET em."


he told me this when i was all angry about my truck first getting hit by a another car's door and second getting vandalized.


look the first week i had my truck, someone dinged it, i parked far away and everything, and the person who did it could've parked else where too but shit happens.


last weekend someone decided to add their own racing stripes to my truck with a permanent marker ( i posted on it a few days back under "MY TRUCK GOT VANDALIZED")


fact of the matter is, no  one gives a shit about you or your possessions but you. it sucks but that's the way it is.


going out and beating someone up or shooting someone is the dumbest thing ever.

at the time it may seem right (believe me i wanted to as well, i am no saint)


sometimes i could kill over the frustration, but there's nothing you can do to change it, it sucks but that's life. don't ruin your own life over a stupid car, because at the end of the day, that's what it is, a stupid car.

don't get me wrong, i love my truck, but it is still a material possession therefore to me, it isn't all that important in light of other things in my life...(get my drift?)


o well... just my $0.02    :seeya:

Might I ay that it was very well put in them words. It is just a vehicle yes and it can alwasy be replaced but it just sucks that people got to **** with shit that aint theirs

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Its true, but sometimes when you go and confront people it can get messy. Things escalate and in this day and age people are way to "full of themselves" i dont carry a gun, Im more afraid of someone I know grabbing it and then that would be the end of them. Dont get me wrong guns are cool, but I just dont want to have that type of power tied in with that much responsibility.

With that said I love my truck.

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Maybe it was a Mexican?



Or a Mexicant.


I'm teaching my children to respect other peoples property, as well as their own. My son is 3 1/2 and my daughter is 2, and they both love to help me clean my truck. With that, I'm teaching them pride in their work, and hopefully it will teach them respect for it.

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