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FAQ section in Each Forum ?


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Hey Guys


Question for you guys and don't know if anyone has thought about this or not. I am a regular on another board called Pirate 4x4 which is very useful for information and they have a sticky on the top of each forum that has all the FAQ.s We could have one for the usual questions such as lowering kits, superchargers, Cams setups, Stereo, Cheap work arounds. I think if we had this questions would not be asked over and over again. You could just to to the FAQ and get your question answered.

The FAQ's would be added by either moderators or certain people and it would have useful info on a certain topic.


( Snip )


Pirate4x4 is know for its wealth of information and this Toyota Truck and 4Runner FAQ is designed to list the most common questions and answers that frequently get asked. The information in this post is a collection of everyone’s efforts to provide very accurate and detailed information but the website cannot be held responsible for mistakes. If you find false information and have good proof stating so, please contact the person that posted it so it can get corrected and will not mislead other people. Remember keeping the accuracy of this FAQ is a group effort.




Does this sound useful ?




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