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Road Rage


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that sucks he knows where you live, id keep an eye out for him and his vehilce , but if you do decide to do something you will be sure it is far from over. i would do what 11h said , that way you can seriouly hurt him him if need be. i think i would have gone nuts on him thought, i carry a kids 5 iron golf club in my truck all the time, not to mention a 6 cell maglite.

:withstupid: As hard as it would be for me to do, 11H has the best advice. I want to give him a severe beatdown ASAP, but that could hurt you and help him. He was the aggressor in this case. Document everything, and take him to court. If you do that then he's f***ed.


Btw, hope you had a good birthday, otherwise. :thumbs:

Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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What happened after he hit you? He didnt try to keep hitting you? If he landed a punch like you say he did, you're lucky to have gotten away. I've always been a firm believer that 90% of fights are won on the first blow unlike some of the hollywood crap you see out there. Go for the nose and work your way down or go for the knees and work your way up breaking as many joints as you can.


I had a guy follow me into a gas station after he cut me off and I flipped him off for it. He started being aggresive like your guy was, slowing down when I did, speeding up when I did, etc. Anyways, he followed me into a gas station and I got to my pump and was already out of my truck, but not pumping yet. (he had to wait for traffic to clear to turn left into the station). Like you, I thought maybe he just wanted gas too at the same busy intersection. Nope he pulled up and tried to block me in. I saw he was going to get out and his drivers door was near me, so as he opened the door and put one foot out on the ground, I rushed his truck (maybe 5-10ft) and kicked the door as hard as I could hearing his knee snap and him scream in agony...I almost felt sorry for him. I got in my truck and had room to back up and left. Must not have been any cameras because I never heard from the cops.

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What happened after he hit you?  He didnt try to keep hitting you?  If he landed a punch like you say he did, you're lucky to have gotten away.  I've always been a firm believer that 90% of fights are won on the first blow unlike some of the hollywood crap you see out there.  Go for the nose and work your way down or go for the knees and work your way up breaking as many joints as you can. 


I had a guy follow me into a gas station after he cut me off and I flipped him off for it.  He started being aggresive like your guy was, slowing down when I did, speeding up when I did, etc.  Anyways, he followed me into a gas station and I got to my pump and was already out of my truck, but not pumping yet. (he had to wait for traffic to clear to turn left into the station).  Like you, I thought maybe he just wanted gas too at the same busy intersection.  Nope he pulled up and tried to block me in.  I saw he was going to get out and his drivers door was near me, so as he opened the door and put one foot out on the ground, I rushed his truck (maybe 5-10ft) and kicked the door as hard as I could hearing his knee snap and him scream in agony...I almost felt sorry for him.  I got in my truck and had room to back up and left.  Must not have been any cameras because I never heard from the cops.


There's some sound advice ... :wtf:

Edited by 11H (see edit history)
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Hey man...I agree with most above about documenting everything and getting the guy legally. The point of my account was I dont take crap from anyone and the second I knew he was there for no good, let them have it. I think most people on this board would have done what I did in my situation and in all likely hood, if the cops had gotten involved, I would have been the one who was in the right of way and most likely would not have been charged with anything.


My point being is, stand up for yourself and ask yourself one retrospect question..."What the hell did you think the guy followed you home for in the first place?" I mean, the second, the very moment, you recognized who the guy was, why did you even decide to get out of your vehicle? At that, you should have stayed in your vehicle if you felt you couldnt confront and engage the individual. It may sound harsh, but please dont take it that way. I would hate see anything bad to happen to you. I am a very nice guy and would give my friends the shirt off of my back. I would stop to help someone stranded in the ditch on the freeway. But if someone crosses me or atempts to do harm to myself or my property for no valid reason, you get whats coming to you. I learned along time ago no one is going to protect you except your close family, friends and yourself.

Edited by Black2003SS (see edit history)
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Don't take things wrong here ... (I see this coming to an argument) ... It seems you are antimate in thinking you were in the right ... Well, maybe morally, maybe in your heart, and maybe by your standards ... (Which seem to be stemming from wholesome character) ... BUT


I will not go into my background because it's not relevent here. I will say that if it went down exactly as you said, you were LEGALLY in the wrong more than he was, and you would have a hard time articulating self defense to any Officer, Court, or Jury ... If it went down as you said, LEGALLY you could be charged with a Crime/s that would put you away significantly longer than he, if he got jail at all for his part up to the point of his (sounding) severe injury ...


And in a Civil suit, he would have walked his dog on you ...


You're very lucky to be free from that situation ... I am sure any of the Officers on here who would care to chime-in would agree ...


If you feel the need, I can go point by point where you went wrong ...

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I apologize if I am sounding like I am "preaching" it is not my intent. What sorta pull at me however is that good intentioned people can get mixed up in bad things, and when a post like this comes up on the net, you get all sorts of responses. If someone has taken to heart some advice and they act on it, it can be harmful if they do something wrong, and all of a sudden good guy becomes bad guy and for what? some puke who started wronging you in the first place?


discretion by responders goes a long way nowadays and things can be averted... In this case of road rage, there is nothing saying you have to engage the perpetrator.. simply drive to the nearest PD and if you don't know where it is, call 911 and explain to the dispatcher what is happening and never stop, except to avoid a collision, stay in car, lock doors and stay as safe as possible ... all of it will be recorded as soon as the 911 operator answers the cell call ... If you don't have a cell, well, get one because any cell can call 911 for free as long as you have a signal and a battery charged ...


you can assert yourself with a response, but then a stressful situation becomes one that will be judged later-on. and of course if you are found not in accordance to the law, you may have consequences, whether you feel you were in the right or not ...



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No argument. Any sound person with half of a brain would see he was only there for one reason and one reason only. I guess I need to go into more detail, he did in fact have a tire iron or some long black thin object in his hand as he was opening the door and he in fact did have his window screaming "I'm going to beat your a$$ you mother fu#$er!" I'm sure the reason why no one bothered to get my license plate (They had a few moments to do so) and why the guy never called the police is because I am highly confident witnesses would have stated he was the agressor. Nonetheless, if I broke the law, I dont give a dam. :thumbs: The guy deserved it and thats it, law or no law. If the law expects me to get my head cracked on before I can react, the law and every officer can go to hell :P Why? Because eevry officer who would have been in that situation would have tasered or shot him right there in self defense.


For conversation sake, I guess I was supposed to run and let him chase me around the station with a tire iron until the police arrived? :thumbs:


What would you have done in that situation? Taken the iron to your head? I think you would have done something similar to what I did.

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I totally agree with your last post 11H. Kind of like the situation in NYC with the NYPD and the rescent shooting. I doubt we will ever fully know what transpired (the actual truth). I doubt 4 (or 5?) officers opened fire for the hell of it on 3 unarmed people. Right? They already found an alleged 4th person who they claim was at the scene with a weapon, but of course, he denies it. A big mess for the officers, but at least they are alive, rather than dead. So I see your valid point/opinion. And I have done exactly that before. I told a friend of mine to drive to the nearest police station ( I was a passenger ) with a road rager in tote in car full of 5 guys. As soon as they saw where we were going, they split. Confrontation avoided and probably averted my friend and I an a$$ whopping. That whole thing started because we were in college and had two gorgeous girls with us and one of the dumb girls told the guys, who were hooting and hollering at her, to you know, f'ck off. Great... Didnt talk to her anymore...lol

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Thanks guys i had a great birthday.


I thought you guys would think that was some crzy shit.

I still can't believe they haven't arrested the guy. about what happend when i got hit? Like i said dickshit almost hit a homerun, I was lucky enough to still have the composure to pull my self back in the truck and thank god he didn't keep wailing me. The thing blackSS said about staying in the truck is exactly what i should have done i should have thought he didn't just stop by for a cup a tee, But i guess i thought i'd be able to explain my self ...Wrong! Believe me all the bad shit you guys are telling me about what you would do, i've already thought, probly some things much worse. :D But right now all i can do is let the ''LAW'' take care of it...... Yeah right! they probly won't do shit but thats just the way it is.


The thing with incidents that happen like this, or when you come out on the shit side is you always think of '' what i shoulda done" but unfortunatley that isn't always the way it goes. ther for you must always be prepared which i was not i had my gaurd down. I wish that that dick wouldn't of gotton me so good cuz then i coulda stomped his face in the ground, Oh and than got the 24'' Torque wrench out of the truck and proceded to tell him i'm sorry something jumped out in front of me while you were driving like a dumb ****, and i'm not gonna hit ronnie racoon so you can drive like a dumb ****, all while bashing him with the torque.. Stupid dickshit.


All i can hope is he happens to follow me home again, OH-BOY that woud be great! :cheers:


Thanks for your support! :thumbs:

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Funny stuff Bambino. I've learned a hard lesson or two before myself about letting your guard down.


I'm sure the cops will react properly. Especially if you have pictures of the wounds for the prosecutor and obtained his license plate.


Now, you're sure you didnt just get mad at this guy on the road, jotted his license plate down, went home and slip on some ice/snow/water and hit your jaw on a step, and decide to get this guy did you? :crackup: Sorry, just preparing you for cross exam from his defense attorney...lol :crackup:

Edited by Black2003SS (see edit history)
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Man I hate to hear about that happening, there are some real whack-jobs out there. I agree with some of the others about gathering as much info on him as possible, but I wouldn't show any aggression towards him unless he provokes you again (self defense), and definitely have an equalizer(bat, golf club,etc.) to defend yourself with. If you don't have an alarm on your home, I'd seriously consider getting one because if he is crazy enough to follow you home, he's probably capable of a lot more. Just my .02.


Best of luck with this and hopefully the police can take care of it for you.



Edited by TAR 71 (see edit history)
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WoW, sorry to hear about this dude, people are so damn crazy anymore. Someone once cut my aunt off in traffic and my aunt gave them the middle finger and this pissed the lady off so much that she kept doing whatever she could to force my aunt off the road. A shopping mall was up ahead so my aunt pulled in and got into a parking spot all while this crazy lady was still following her. My aunt ran into the mall going into different stores trying to lose the crazy lady (the crazy lady ran into the mall after her) and my aunt was finely able to duck out a side door, running back to her car and taking off.


People are just FU*&ED up these days. People are rude as hell and no one has respect towards others or their prive property anymore.

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