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Denver Bronco Fans?


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i went to the game new years eve, and was really bummed to lose to the niners, but to hear that the next day kinda puts somethings like sports and championships into perspective. Sad day, and a terrible end to a bad season. :icon_bs:

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really sad to here about this. unfortunately it seems all too often that professional athletes put themselves in bad situations going out and partying with there entourages' and getting involved in behavior that only elicits this type of situation. i.e. ray lewis, paul pierce, etc. sad but preventable for sure.

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Do you really expect any different?


Same story, different names.

Bad boy does good, gets some cash, goes to club, gets shot, the end!

And these are the people our kids are supposed to look up to?

You can take a thug out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of a thug.



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Do you really expect any different?


Same story, different names.

Bad boy does good, gets some cash, goes to club, gets shot, the end!

And these are the people our kids are supposed to look up to?

You can take a thug out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of a thug.




i agree that can be the case, but who knows? i'm not a Broncos fan and really don't have any knowledge of the player, his upbringing, or who he associates with. for all anyone knows, it could have been a crazed Broncos fan that was pissed off and saw him there OR someone who had a ton of cash on the Broncos.


yea, sometimes these guys or their friends start shit and it escalates to this. the paul pierce thing was because he was talking to the wrong guy's sister. the guy was a well known thug in boston. when pierce was warned, he mouthed off and said he didn't care. next thing ya know...


all i'm saying is that yes, it could be the way you put it but there could have been many other scenarios that lead up to it. the fact that it happened the night they choked to the 49ers and eliminated themselves from the playoffs could take it in any direction.

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From what I have seen on the news there was an arguement at the night club he was at but the police said they did not believe it involved him but who knows. Could have been just wrong place wrong time. From what I gather he was a good guy and he played highschool ball against my highschool in 2000.

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I heard on the radio this morning that some one from inside the limo that he was shot in said that there were no altercations that night that would've led to this. And Darrent Williams was definitely not a thug, after only two years he was establishing himself as a leader in the locker room and never was in any trouble.

It most likely was "the wrong place, wrong time" here is a pic of Jevon Walker walking into dove valley, (broncos headquarters) Supposedly williams died in his lap. and one of the limo, you can see the shooter had no idea who he was hitting.





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