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55 Gallon

SS Silv

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I finally fullfilled my dreams of owning a saltwater aquarium. This is by far one of the funnest hobbys I have picked up. I don't have much in the tank right now but I have to get my water conditions just right before adding anything else. Right now I have a Tomato Clown, a blue damsel, and 10 little crabs (yes I have crabs :jester: ) these fish are a lot of fun to watch and is amazing the personalities these fish have. Yesterday I did order 30 more pounds of live rock and 2 Peppermint shrimp, and later on I am going to start to house corals.

Here are some pics of my 55 gallon, it isn't a lot to look at now but this is only the begining.




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Let me be the first to say lucky bastard!!!!

EDIT : damn im not the first to say.

I've been wanting a 55 for a while you did a good descion. I told you about the personality, damsels can get aggressive so keep a eye on him. Aside from that congrats and keep me posted on new fish and coral. I can give you a few tips and pretty soon Im going to start building up my nano and maybe a 36 or a 55 I just need to find some space for it.

looks great

Edited by drako (see edit history)
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Marine Tanks are alot of fun and alot of work.


How long did you let that tank cycle?? If it's not a "new" set up you might want to check the salinity as the water looks a little foggy.


I've had a few marine set up's and they are a blast, you can make them really nice.

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Marine Tanks are alot of fun and alot of work.


How long did you let that tank cycle??  If it's not a "new" set up you might want to check the salinity as the water looks a little foggy.


I've had a few marine set up's and they are a blast, you can make them really nice.


I bought the tank from a guy so it was already cycled. We used all the water we could that was in the tank before we moved it to my place. I took that pic the first day I got it to my place so the crushed coral/sand wasn't settled. It is crystal clear now :thumbs: Salinity is at 1.02 Ph 8.2, Ammonia is high .5, Nitrite 0, and Nitrate 30.

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not really...I actually know someone who would catch them locally...I dont really back that thing up though. Octos are sweet...but they are master escape artists. You better have a tough sealed up tank. To put it in prespective they can squeeze through anything that is as big as thier beak.

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Nice tank man heres a few really old pics of my tank after about one month of cycling and damsel, clown, and yellow goby. Atm I have 1 damsel, 2 perculas, and my goby disappeared lol, I also have a red hermit crab which isnt in the pics. Its a 55 gal aswell except mine is taller than it is wider. If I get a bigger house I am hoping to get a 100gal tank but only time will tell. Also Im gonna be "borrowing" my sis-inlaws camera, Ill take some newer ones and post em up along with a pic of my truck.






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thats awesome man. how much did that new hobby set you back. i want one.

It's not even funny how big of a steel I got. A local guy needed to get rid of it to make room for his new big screen. I got the stand, tank, 5 crabs, 1 snail, an additional 10 gallon, and all the chemicals that I need, (2) awesome lights, powerful enough to house corals, dual biowheel filter, 2 power heads, heater, new protein skimmer, 2 fish, 30 pounds of live rock, one mushroom coral, and a 40 dollar test kit. All for 350 bones, this is a least 1,500$++ worth of stuff. :D


Down the road I am going to get 2 Sea Horses to put in the 10 gallon.


If you are going to be seriously devoted to the hobby, I suggest you do it. They can be a lot of work the first few months and require lots of knowledge but they are well worth it. I got lucky that A local guy started a marine fish store and has been helping me out. On top of that I am taking a class at school that is all about aquarium keeping.


I will keep you guys posted with pics as I make progress.

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