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I am getting tired of all the girly men who complain about racism and stupid comments.


Lift up your skirt, and grab your balls... this is the world we live in, have lived in, and WILL live in. Deal with it.


Go start a non-profit organization like PETA, and go demonstrate the fact you dont like it. Or you can be like Jahova Witnesses and Mormons, and just go door to door and try to convert people to non-racists.


Have fun

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this thread can go on and on till it gets to page 25. we all just need to think twice about what we post up racist or cursing etc. were all brothers on here. we all help each other out. we all have opinions. just show respect when giving your opinions.

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I am getting tired of all the girly men who complain about racism and stupid comments. 


Lift up your skirt, and grab your balls... this is the world we live in, have lived in, and WILL live in.  Deal with it. 


Go start a non-profit organization like PETA, and go demonstrate the fact you dont like it.  Or you can be like Jahova Witnesses and Mormons, and just go door to door and try to convert people to non-racists. 


Have fun


:withstupid: I have to agree some people are overly sensetive sometimes. I could have gotten upset at the steers and queers are the only thing in Texas comment the other day but I took it like it was a joke. Plus I know I am not queer I sucked dick before and I didnt like it..J/K :jester:

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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I'd be curious to see what the ethnic make-up of the people on this site is. I know there are many races represented, but I think we are by far "white middle class" people and mostly male.


Racism is wrong. Stereotyping is inevitable. I currently manage a small store and if 2 young men of any color come in wearing "gangsta" clothing you can bet your ass I'm going to be watching them. If I'm getting on a plane and there's 4-5 Arab looking guys 17-40 years old getting on too, again, you can bet I'm gonna be leery of them. Some people would call this racism. I call it common sense.


I deal with people of all races on a daily basis and make assumptions about them almost immediately. Skin color is probably the least of my concerns.

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I'd be curious to see what the ethnic make-up of the people on this site is. I know there are many races  represented, but I think we are by far "white middle class" people and mostly male.


Racism is wrong. Stereotyping is inevitable. I currently manage a small store and if 2 young men of any color come in wearing "gangsta" clothing you can bet your ass I'm going to be watching them. If I'm getting on a plane and there's 4-5 Arab looking guys 17-40 years old getting on too, again, you can bet I'm gonna be leery of them. Some people would call this racism. I call it common sense.


I deal with people of all races on a daily basis and make assumptions about them almost immediately. Skin color is probably the least of my concerns.

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I am getting tired of all the girly men who complain about racism and stupid comments.  ...
:withstupid: Totally.


People seem to have a hard time separating "racist" or "ignorant" from inflamatory. Tolerance doesn't mean 'acceptance'. I personally can turn a deaf ear to about anything anyone has to say, including stuff I find truly ignorant and/or inflamatory. I just don't get a hard-on over it. But when it becomes apparent that someone is making a purposeful attempt to start a fight then disciplinary action is called for. Just threatening to ban someone because they mention something unflattering (aka use of the word ricer) is total BS. You've got to let people be able to call the world like it is *as long as* the commentator is not trying to start conflict.


There is nothing wrong with judging people; you have been given a brain, that's what it is used for. The issue is pre-judging people, or making an off-the-cuff assumption/remark.


The difference between Carlos Mencia and Dave Chapelle - both illustrate the differences between the races. But Dave Chappelle takes it another step as his work is obviously trying to close the gaps of hatred between races. Dave Chappelle really is one of the finer minds on the planet bar none.


Mr. P.

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that makes the difference.


Virtue (Latin virtus; Greek ἀρετή) is moral excellence of a person. A virtue is a character trait valued as being good.


Stix and stones I say. Voice your opinion, who am I to stop you. I dont have to listen Or (read) unless I choose. :flag: . These types of coments are nothing new. Personaly if you choose to feed into the stereo typical :icon_bs: then thats on you. I think If you disagree its your right to voice your opinion. Thats America.....

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Well, heck I like this site and wouldn't want to be band from it but this is my two cents;

I am from Scotland, I hate everyone equally so all you soap box politicians or self righteous 'I'm not a racist' white doods that always have a minority friend should shut the hell up. If you don't like what is written don't read it or stop going to the site. Maybe check your replys to the answering machine topic when all of you 'hate' when 'they' can't speak english. Oh ya, I like these little quotations' ' they're fun.

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Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that makes the difference.


Virtue (Latin virtus; Greek ἀρετή) is moral excellence of a person. A virtue is a character trait valued as being good.


Stix and stones I say. Voice your opinion, who am I to stop you. I dont have to listen Or (read) unless I choose.  :flag: . These types of coments are nothing new. Personaly if you choose to feed into the stereo typical  :icon_bs: then thats on you. I think If you disagree its your right to voice your opinion.  Thats America.....

:withstupid: dont let it bother you.




ps. men are equal - Are you a sexist pig? :jester:

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I am getting tired of all the girly men who complain about racism and stupid comments. 


Lift up your skirt, and grab your balls... this is the world we live in, have lived in, and WILL live in.  Deal with it. 


Go start a non-profit organization like PETA, and go demonstrate the fact you dont like it.  Or you can be like Jahova Witnesses and Mormons, and just go door to door and try to convert people to non-racists. 


Have fun



AMEN, My Brother!


This is the way things are, and no amount of political correctness, ACLU lawsuits or militant feminist rants will ever change most folks minds. People are raised differently and taught certain values that some may consider 'racist', 'bigoted' or what ever catch phrase of the day is wildly popular at the time.


The fact of the matter is, THIS IS AMERICA PEOPLE, we can think whatever we want and no one can send us to jail, or cut off our heads or murder our entire families just because they don't like what we say! I, my father and grandfather have spent years of our lives fighting for this right! :flag:


This country has been hijacked by the liberal left and their EUROPEAN SOCIALIST way of thinking in order to turn us into a "NEW WORLD ORDER" in which multiculturalism and socialism is the order of the day! I call this the 'systematic pussification' of America.


WAKE UP GUYS, we are being indoctrinated every day and most don't even know, let alone care, it's happening right under our noses.


P.S. punkt71, if all these people were really upset about some of these things and stuck to their policies, your sig would have long ago been pulled! The 'fluffy' people wouldn't stand for you having a 'metabolically challenged' woman exploited in such a way! :jester:

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I am a firm believer in Freedom of Speech. You should be able to say what you want at anytime that you want. I just feel that tact and respect should be thought of also. I'm not trying to be political at all about this subject. If you want to run around calling people hurtful words, go for it. Who am I to say that you can't. I'm just using my given right of freedom of speech to say that I don't care for racism at all.

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When i posted that the truck looked like a taco wagon i did not do it to be mean i have friends who are mexican and they say my truck looks like a taco wagon because i painted all of my lights blue i dont care what they say i like my truck and agree that calling something a ricer is exactly the same as this other stuff. :chevy:


I didn't mean anything by it when I quoted you. It was just an example and I could really care less what you said. On another note, I eat from taco wagons all the time!!! :crackup::flag:



Plus I know I am not queer I sucked dick before and I didnt like it.


Oh my!!!!! :eek:

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