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Yeah, I smoked weed in high school. But dubs there is a time in life when we need to grow up, and 21 would be a good age.


Dude three words of advice.


1. Get laid


2. Get a life


3. Get off of Silveradoss.com


Actually, don't follow through with #3. I look forward to your idiotic posts.


:puke: 26Dubs


Im not even going to comment on #1 and #2 because I can guarantee you that I get more of that than you do...

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Yeah, I smoked weed in high school. But dubs there is a time in life when we need to grow up, and 21 would be a good age.


Dude three words of advice.


1. Get laid


2. Get a life


3. Get off of Silveradoss.com


Actually, don't follow through with #3. I look forward to your idiotic posts.


:puke: 26Dubs


Im not even going to comment on #1 and #2 because I can guarantee you that I get more of that than you do...



Siblings dont count...lol.

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I'm in the same class as wody and drako, I've never smoked pot and have absolutely no desire to, its just not me. I do like a good cigar from time to time, I've smoked a hukah, i've eaten brownies before, but the only thing special about them was the chocolate chunks :D My natural high is wakeboarding, I'm good enough to talk some shit, but i'm no pro. I just like to ride for fun, nothing competetive, I've competed a little in the past, but it ruins it for me. I just ride for the thrill of carving untouched glass at 7 am before i head to work, and then hit it again for a sunset ride at 9:30 :D

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haha ah man yall are so harsh on the dude!! almost makes me feel sorry for him.. sorry to hear all that bro but if ya put all that info up on the internet ya bound to get clowned on! now im 18 and i'm not gonna say whether i do drugs/drink (i dont ;P) haha but uh yeah just try to be more careful i guess... allz i can say bro

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In another thread, didn't he say his parents paid for his insurance? And, I think the truck too? And, he's making 50K a year? :dunno: Hmmm.... Interesting! :uhoh:


My thoughts exactly.


In my experience most people who make $50k a year doing important work for a company also tend to have a decent grasp of the English language. I also find it amusing that he feels the need to brag about his income on the Internet... typically means he doesn't make but maybe half of what he claims b/c if you need to brag about shit like that you probably don't have a reason to brag.


So... to wrap this gem of a thread up... you street race and get caught... blame everyone but yourself and now you get busted with weed at work... your parents must be so proud. I bet they just beam with pride each month when they have to write the check for your inflated insurance bill. :banghead:


I'm not going to take a "holier than thou" stance on this... I smoke... a good amount, BUT I KEEP THAT SHIT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS IN THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN HOME!! The second you take weed out into the world... especially to work... you cross a line where anything that happens to you is your own damn fault and you deserve the worst that can happen IMO.

Edited by Dylan06SS (see edit history)
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ive never taken drugs of any kind, and never will.. forgive me my brothers and sisters, but I think taking drugs is the dumbest thing you could ever do.. its illegal, immoral, and could cause dammage that you cant fix.

my 2 cents.. my opinion

:withstupid: Just say NO

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Ok I am going to be nice. What if your company starts a piss test. I can tell you now dont try to going the service. You will be sent home.


Well Ive been with this company for 4 yrs...I got my position for being good at what I do..which is being a bill collector...Now tell me the truth guys...probably 3/4 of the people here have puffed some hay something in their lifes..be honest..I just forgot to take the damn weed out of my pocket and when I got to work it started smelling crazy ( I had some good shit in this sack)..my supervisor sent me home and later called me and suspended me...I was like WTF...but I had no way to fight it I was screwed to I just took the punishment i guess...



Please press 1 for english.. :banghead::banghead:


*presses 1*


*ring ring*


Please hold, your call is next in line. :banghead:


*26_Dub picks up*


*semi Iraqi voice with a touch of spanish......and is high* :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:


*presses 2 for spanish* :)



dont get me wrong....im a pothead.......but im not stupid about it........



well, yeah. your from NW Arkansas ain't ya! :jester:


Don't be messin with NWAer's! i graduated from up there! :ughdance:



Just joshin around, I grew up around there too. :thumbs:


went to college in Russellville a little further south, go TROJANS!!

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