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I suspect something


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Aw man that's a total bummer; I was hoping that was not the case. I agree time to move on however for different reason, that is she did not respect you (or herself) enough to tell you a long time ago that she wasn't happy. Give yourself a pat on the back for keeping your cool and not overreacting earlier.


Mr. P.

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Well most sneaky ass girls treat their guys like jobs..... they need to find a new one before quitting the old one.... so of course if their current 'boss' asks them if they still like their job and if everything is ok, they will obviously say yes.... until they get the offer and seal the deal with their new 'employer'.


Moral of story, you need to go find a better paying job also. Because your last one was a ****in douchebag.

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well this morning i broke up with her, I just said "I'm going to say this in as few words as I can, i know you didn't go out with (friend's name) on thursday night, bottom line, i can't trust you so it's over" I said this while she was in the shower so she couldn't chase me out of the house or grab me. As i was walking out she was yelling and screaming my name not to leave and that i better not dare to leave etc. etc. I walked out her front door, put a box right in front of the door with all her stuff in it and as i walked out to my truck she was banging the window of her room yelling at me to come back this instant and that i better not do this etc. etc. i just looked back at her once, put up my middle finger, kept walking and then sped off in my SS and left her like the whore that she is. By now she's called me 50+ times ( i haven't answered one, nor have i called back and i won't, ever) she has sent me at least 20 text messages (i haven't replied to one either and i won't) and that's that. I left her and she didn't know what the f%^k hit her, and again i left her like the whore that she is. So i'm happy, i really am, it felt great and believe me i will never be getting back together with her.

Thank you all for your support, i know this wasn't what you guys were hoping to happen, i know all of you wished it was me just being stupid, but it is what it is, not what we want it to be. Thank you again for everything, and just know that i'm going to be strong and she won't be back, EVER.

ES :flag:

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...she was yelling and screaming my name ... and that i better not dare to leave ... and as i walked out to my truck she was banging the window of her room yelling at me to come back this instant and that i better not do this etc. etc...
:eek: HOLY CHRIST dude, RUN FORREST RUN - I thought my ex was the only one like that. :crazy: No person needs to be wrapped up with that kind of control freak. I hope you come to realize now that the two of you certainly never had 'equitability', she never saw you as an equal. Sad but I'm sure you will agree it's true, I know because I lived with one just like that for 7 years. I would also bet that during your relationship everything was always her way or the highway right down to your sex lives, and that's the major reason it went downhill... think about it!


I'm with ya brother you did the right thing even if there was no infidelity - you're gut is right you can't trust her because she was in almost complete control of the relationship, you had no input at all and well like a little stick on the river you were just going to go wherever the current took you.


Mr. P. :)

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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Well guys and gals, my instinct was right, she has been up to something. Where ever she was that night, she wasn't with her friend that she said she was. Whoever it was she didn't want to tell me for a reason and i don't even care who or what, bottom line I can't trust her. So it's over. Yes i'm extremely hurt but i gotta keep going, i have too much going for me. I'll let you know what happens when all this goes down. And LauderdaleSS, I'm going to be taking you up on your offer.

ES :flag:


thats a bummer brother. kick that snatch to the curb and move on. the pain will subside and you'll be better for it in the long run.

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Wow, ES, I read your whole thread and am bittersweet for you. Happy that you've found the solution that per your story seems to have been inevitable. Glad also it was on your terms, in your own control, and you had the closure on it and not her. Sad that you went through this at all, ponied up the emotion to try to make it work by having a heart to heart, and still got burned. I've been there and it ain't pretty. Starting over is always tough, but I bet you're younger and better looking than me, so go get 'em, stud! :)


I wouldn't base things on a lack of sex though. Women aren't wired the same as men. Sex isn't the main thing for us (well, most of us anyway). Women are more into the closeness thing rather than the actual act.


For Chevygal, let me give you the man's perspective. Sex for us is what opens the door to that closeness thing. For women, it seems to be the opposite. They want the love and committment before opening up sexually. This is why we are at odds after a while. Once the woman feels the committment is there, and the sexual reward period is over, the frequency drops off. The man, on the other hand, looks for ongoing sexual reassurance that his committment is deserved. That after all the ups and downs of a long-term relationship, all the day-to-day crap is done--she still loves and wants him in that way. Otherwise he feels like a mini-van driving schmuck, and hello midlife crisis. You are right, men and women are wired differently.

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she's the one who's burned now my friends, she's going out of her mind right now. she just doesn't know what hit her. and me? i'm luvin it!

The best way i can explain is, she went to the lion den and chose the youngest, strongest and best lion she could find. Then she decided to kick that lion in the balls, so this lion just toar her f^@*ing head off.

This morning i picked up my shield and sword and went to war, i'll kneel later and feel the damage that has been done, it's going to suck but it'll come. for now i'm fine. What i just said may sound a little weird but i don't know how else to explain what i'm feeling now, so hopefully you get my drift.

ES :flag:

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I wish you the best, the worst part will be when you are alone and bored. So don't be, hang with friends and do things. I dove deep into work when my chic and I broke it off, worked like 65-70 weeks and was to exhausted to be lonely. Bought me a Bad Ass truck with the money!


Good Luck

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