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Luaderdale you mad man :lol:


But, I am just to nice I guess, should treat them like shit, thats what they left me to goto. go figure?


Cant agree more, I had enough of that back in the highschool days. The average hot chick dateing some guy that treats her like garbage, yet puts up with it for months and years on end. Some of them are still together. But a daytime security guard? Look at the bright side, atleast she's living in misery and cant hardly pay off her place with some basement singer/mall guard!


The really Ironic/weird/crazy thing is I dated my current G/F's older sister back senior year in highschool (probobly 3 years ago, my current G/F was just starting to date that queer I mentioned earlier), and she had also just got out of a long relationship, and she dumped me for her ex, their still together and he still treats her like garbage. Now shes all jealous Im spoiling her sister. That whole ordeal really made me think twice about dating my current G/F, but their so different its like night and day. But yeah, weird.


yea but they're still sisters and they were both raised the same. Birds of a feather flock together

ES :flag:

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but hey, back to the topic, what does everyone think of my update from today on page 3? (it's the long post)


another update: she's been calling around asking and everything. crying to her friends and saying that she's been crying all day etc. and guess what. i don't give a rat's ass. I feel that if she wasn't guilty of something then she wouldn't be trying to call me so desperately. If she wasn't guilty of anything (as she claims) then she would've been so offended by my actions that she would've never cared to talk to me again. she's just totaled her losses and is beginning to regret....BIG time. :cool:

stay tuned for more

ES :flag:

Your lucky that she is showing her guilt by calling you over and over again. I think it makes you feel wanted and even stronger as a man. My ex-wife cheated on me and instead of calling me and feeling sorry, she got a restraining order against me, gave herself fake bruises, and told all of our "friends" that I beat her! I let her go beleiving that she just needed her space and would come home and work things out. I went to Vegas for a race, came back, and the house was cleaned out! I got served papers the next day! I learned that she could never show her face around my family again (my mom and sister caught her!!!) and could never hide her guilt so she fabricated a lie and tried to ruin me. Talk about a psycho! I'm much better off now with a hotter woman and a much faster, successful, and nicer SS than I had before! I've also won a lot more races and finished my Bachelor's Degree because my head is clear. On the flip side...Her betrayal pretty much ruined me. I have trouble trusting even the most honest people now, even my new fiancee, which causes a ton of trouble as you can imagine. I've been trained in lie detection for my job and she was still able to pull one over on me for about 8 months! Just goes to show you how trust and love can blind you.


ES, you're better off, trust me. Please don't let her F-up ruin your trust in people like it did for me. Good Luck Bro!

Edited by RacerJJ (see edit history)
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Luaderdale you mad man :lol:


But, I am just to nice I guess, should treat them like shit, thats what they left me to goto. go figure?


Cant agree more, I had enough of that back in the highschool days. The average hot chick dateing some guy that treats her like garbage, yet puts up with it for months and years on end. Some of them are still together. But a daytime security guard? Look at the bright side, atleast she's living in misery and cant hardly pay off her place with some basement singer/mall guard!


The really Ironic/weird/crazy thing is I dated my current G/F's older sister back senior year in highschool (probobly 3 years ago, my current G/F was just starting to date that queer I mentioned earlier), and she had also just got out of a long relationship, and she dumped me for her ex, their still together and he still treats her like garbage. Now shes all jealous Im spoiling her sister. That whole ordeal really made me think twice about dating my current G/F, but their so different its like night and day. But yeah, weird.


yea but they're still sisters and they were both raised the same. Birds of a feather flock together

ES :flag:


Not 100% true. My wife and her sister don't act anything alike.

Dated my wife's sister before I dated my wife. Dated about 1 year, she dumped me.

Before we (wife & me) got together, we did not see eye to eye. She thought I was a dick, I thought she was a b*&ch. Her sister dumped me...I think we should see other people :icon_bs:. I told her great plan, but don't include me in her future plans.


Got talking to my wife about all that was going on and we decided to give it a shot and go out. That was 28 years ago. Family GTGs are interesting...still. Her sister has a bad habit of telling others that she used to date me before her sister. I just laugh when asked about it...remember she dumped me. I guess she still misses me. :crackup:


But...had we stayed together (her sister)...her ass would be buried in the backyard by now :jester:

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this is getting better then day time soap... :lol:


you need to have some fun. relax and enjoy your self. :cheers: and while your kicked back rent a car or get a friends car that she dosnt know, and park it next to yours at your place over night this weekend, :D

like i said, kick back and enjoy......... :crackup::crackup::thumbs:



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06redSSrwd ... after reading your posts .... I think you broke a world record ... how many one line cliche's can you use in a single thread. :crackup:


Not busting your balls ... just made me laugh while reading.

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My ex, her sister, and their mother are three f'ed up peas in a f'ed up pod. Don't even get me started on the wacko shit they pull. It's like they have their own little support group for mental illness. Any time one of them does some crazy shit, the other two are backing her up telling her how right she is. They get further and further off the beaten path of "normal" because they get this unconditional positive feedback. The first day in divorce court, just to meet the judge and enter some papers, she went nuts and started screaming at the judge. He had the bailiff throw her out. Of course, the mother and sister told her she was completely right to do that and it was all my fault! So, yeah the sister matters (usually) and even more important is the mother. Your girl can make a conscious effort not to be like the old bag, but when in a new situation, and under stress, she'll go back to her role model. We guys do it with our dad's, no matter how hard we try not to be like the old man. Anyway, that was my best day in court ever.


BTW, I really like the idea of renting a car and parking at your place overnight. Make it a rich chick car, like a BMW or Lexus. Just get the zero-deductible insurance, just in case :D

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Sounds like it is time for a little Payback ... Best of luck to you ....


BTW, I really like the idea of renting a car and parking at your place overnight. Make it a rich chick car, like a BMW or Lexus. Just get the zero-deductible insurance, just in case :D


That's a pretty funny Idea right there .... :thumbs: But you know it will be like that Pic on the Internet with all of the Pick-Axe's through it .....

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Sounds like it is time for a little Payback ... Best of luck to you ....


BTW, I really like the idea of renting a car and parking at your place overnight. Make it a rich chick car, like a BMW or Lexus. Just get the zero-deductible insurance, just in case :D


That's a pretty funny Idea right there .... :thumbs: But you know it will be like that Pic on the Internet with all of the Pick-Axe's through it .....


:crackup: That's god damned funny right thurrr....

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well, it's thursday night (more like friday morning) @ 4 am and i just got home, she'll be seein some pics of me in this club i went to over the internet. :lol: she tried tellin me she was "leaving the country" to try and get me to call, what an idiot. anyhow, tonight was a great night

ES :flag:

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I agree with Bob on this one. I've been married twice and you definately don't want to come across as being insecure. Just keep your eyes open and remember that communication is key in any relationship. But who am I to say.. I'm 0-2 . Good luck :thumbs:

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