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I suspect something


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old enough, lol. honestly too young. i turn 20 in april. so we're both 19. i was in way too serious of a relationship for my age anyway. So far she hasn't bothered since wednesday when i left her. Either she's trying to give herself importance and waiting for me to call (ain't gonna happen) or she's really just going to give me my space and leave me alone (which would be a great thing b/c she's known for going psycho)

ES :flag:

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old enough, lol. honestly too young. i turn 20 in april. so we're both 19. i was in way too serious of a relationship for my age anyway. So far she hasn't bothered since wednesday when i left her. Either she's trying to give herself importance and waiting for me to call (ain't gonna happen) or she's really just going to give me my space and leave me alone (which would be a great thing b/c she's known for going psycho)

ES :flag:



I hear that .... In the same boat O and not to burst your bubble but she will give you your space for about 1 or 2 weeks and than the game is on and if you give in for one day or whatever than you will just start all over back to last wednesday.

I broke up with my gf in oct and this shit is still going on :banghead: but good luck :cheers:

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today i will say that i'm hurtin a bit. it's going to be a process though. it's only day 2 so i gotta hang in there.

ES :flag:

edit- i'm hurtin a lot, but these moments come when i'm not doing anything so i'm gonna go out tonight and have a good time

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now i'm good, i just went out with my sis to the mall. I was trying on watches at mayors and i almost bought a breitling. Last night my buddy told me (since i've spent well over 15 thousand on my ex) that i should go and spend some money on myself for once and enjoy my own money. So i went tried on watches, bought a pair of shoes, almost a bought the breitling, but mainly had fun trying on some nice stuff and all. I feel better now but it's truly a roller coaster.

Again i would like to mention that the amount of views and replies on this topic of mine have been overwhelming. I can't thank you enough for all your support and this has truly served as a wonderful vent for me, you all are great listeners (well, readers really) thank you thank you thank you thank you. i couldn't say it enough

ES :flag:

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I have to agree on the number of posts and such.... I just got done reading all of it :crazy: But I'm glad I did... Sounds like you did the right thing, and don't worry the next one will be better or a higher paying "job"! Keep your head up bro... and just remember her face looking through the window when you gave her the finger!!! That reminds me of southpark when Wendy was messing around w/ token and stan gets over it and says "oh yeah... token, Right here buddy(flips him the bird)"

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Going on almost two years and it still hurts man. Its suppressed, but it still hurts every once in a great while, and I even have some dreams/nightmares about the situation. Its weird. See, she ended up marrying the neighbor I caught her baning and she got pregant (well so she told me). I have fU#$ed up dreams like I meet up with her dad and he says she was nevevr pregnant and she always loved me etc. Hard to explain, really fu#$ed up. I even have another girl friend, but the problem is I dont love my current one as much as I did her and thats not really fair to the new one, but I dont know how else to explain it.

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Thats what i'm afraid of Black2003.... i love my ex. I really do. but it's also b/c of that... why i'm not with anyone else..as i don't think it's fair to the potential "g/f". Granted i would like to date once in a while... but meh... being single isn't so bad... =P


And ES..no prob man. :flag:

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All i can say is, now, begins my rebirth

ES :flag:



hey 06,i guess you can say your like a pheonix rising from the ashes,you went down in flames(pain and suffering) and from those flames your being reborn into something new(a new and improved you).Just hang in there,dont do anything stupid and it will all be a memory soon enough.

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Going on almost two years and it still hurts man. Its suppressed, but it still hurts every once in a great while, and I even have some dreams/nightmares about the situation. Its weird. See, she ended up marrying the neighbor I caught her baning and she got pregant (well so she told me). I have fU#$ed up dreams like I meet up with her dad and he says she was nevevr pregnant and she always loved me etc. Hard to explain, really fu#$ed up. I even have another girl friend, but the problem is I dont love my current one as much as I did her and thats not really fair to the new one, but I dont know how else to explain it.


Sadly I can relate all too well, its been a couple years for me and I still cant feel love like I did. :tear:


I get weird dreams like that too, had one last night. I was in my ex's parents house, when she lived with them, they where there (her parents) and I was in her room sitting on the edge of the bed looking out the door. I just sat there and watched them move about the house doing shit...weird huh?


Then I woke up to some A-hole banging a mini sledghammer on the back of a dump truck near the back of my property @ 4am!!!!

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well, i've been having fun this entire weeked. thursday and friday night i went clubbing. last night had a pow wow with my close friends at his house (lots of beer, some good cigars, an open fire w/ marshmellows, and an acoustic guitar) lots of fun and today (sunday) went out on the boat.

Just gotta stay occupied, i have my ups and downs but from where i am at now there's only one way and that's up so only great times from here on out.

"we never stop loving those we once loved, we just learn to live without them"

ES :flag:

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