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Skinny on new 6L80E

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I am pushing to find out more about the 6L80E swap from the new Denali into our trucks and here are some of the issues. I have confirmed it will fit/bolt directly into our trucks as it is the same size as the 4L65E etc! Now here comes the bad news. Because of how the computer is controlled, we will need to swap to an 07+ pcm...yes you heard me correctly. We would have to have an 07 pcm to control the transmission. The compu controllers for other swaps wont work. So my next question is...can the new 07+ PCM's control the other components of the vehicle? Can an 07+ pcm control an 03 6.0L? I have been told it should be able to, but we will need more investigation. One of the main reasons we dont know much about the transmission is because GM hasnt released any spare parts for it yet except for warranty dealership work. Also, not to many places can get their hands on one. I'm trying to put my hands on one in the next week or two and could start working with a high performance shop to see what we can get done. I'll keep you posted. I think this is going to end up a no go, but I'll try to stay optimistic.

Edited by Black2003SS (see edit history)
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That would be an awesome swap! Try calling speartech to see if they have any ideas,they seem like the harness swap experts around my area. They did my harness for my GTA that I am putting an ls1 in, complete plug and play,no splicing,but it was $850 just for the harness.

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The information I am providing is coming from a large high performance shop that already deals with 4L60-80 swaps. I dont honestly knwo too much more than you guys at this point except for what they tell me and believe me, if they can make it work, they KNOW the demand for this product. My role is to facilitate and possibly be the guinea pig and provide some financing into it.

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This is a very very tough electronic delima. The bigest problem you will run into is the interface between modules. The 03 uses partial can networks and partial Class II bus. The 07 PCM is complete CAN network. The two are not able to comunicate between each other. you would have to run a "converter" of sorts to translate the information. it's sort of like trying to run DSL through a 2 prong wall socket. entirely different. I have a lot of information on these systems and have done alot of resurch on it. I'de be happy to help but optimism is tough when you understand the systems. Understanding the differnt values and how to convert them is a real big problem. Also you will find the code is from hexidecimal format to decimal format. very tough to make the two work together and do what you want. This problem to over come is coming down to writing your own code in the computer. All in all, it would be like trying to tune an LS7 using the volumetric efficiency tables. You can't cause there are none. it's controlled through a different set of parameters. I have a lot of knowledge on the systems, but it is a huge undertaking electronically to make work. I think you'll be looking at disabling several of the systems on your truck to make it happen, or running two computers, the 03 and the 07, one for data feedback, and the other for actual powertrain management. good luck man. also any info i can help you with, i will be happy to.

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We talked about some of that tonight as to what it would take electronically. The idea was brought up to create a standalone custom controller for the transmission. We want to investigate making it work with one pcm first however. Can the two systems work independently? Can we use the 03-06 pcm for the engine, body, etc and then have a seperate controller for the transmission? I think there still would have to be some sort of communication between the two anyways.


My head hurts, but I am learning alot.

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stand alone is the only way i can see to make it work. the tcm will really only accept the inputs from the 07' pcm. problem is all the inputs and outputs of that pcm won't work with any other module on the truck. it seems to me like you'de almost be better off not using the tcm and coming up with your own controller. This is a huge undertaking cause a custom program will need to be written to control the 6 speeds.


BTW, any idea how much torque/horsepower these tranny's can take.

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