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Make sure you know your states laws !!


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i just want to remind everyone that being educated on your states laws and your rights are incredibly important. i just read a thread about a fellow SS member (think he drives a VMax) who was arrested for street racing on his way to work at 2 am(illegitimately). well (knock on wood) this same thing just about happened to me today. i was accused of "highway racing" because i went from 10-50 WOT. not only were there no cars in front of me, but none within 100 ft. i might add the speed limit was 45..... and i didnt spin my tires(they chirped the 1-2 tho). right after i stoped WOT a car pulled out and cut me off. so i braked, let about half a car of space and flipped on all 4 HIDs. the guy moved to one of the other 3 empty lanes :yellow_loser: . this officer tried writing me 6 tickets,(not including the criminal offense of "drag racing") but as i talked to him about each offense, they suddenly became "warnings". i guess he knew that he couldnt write them, i dont think he expected me to know anything about anything. after 50 minutes of harrassment, i got 3 window tint tickets. im not complying with the tickets, so it will cost $220. its $60 less if i "comply" and take it all off. but i figure its like $80 to retint my windsheild and two front windows. all i know is im glad i didnt sit back and get 6 tickets i would have to fight. how in the hell am i supposed to drag race myself?? he agreed with me that nobody was racing me.... like 3 other units showed up for the show, it was pretty rediculous. i dont think comming up to the back of my truck with his hand on his gun was totally neccesarry either :chillpill:

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i know what your saying you have to know whats up so they dont "bend you over". also the 3 other units showing up is pretty funny. its like were i live. i got pulled over in my old truck, for having a loud exhaust(it was veyr very loud, old and rusty), i told the officer it just had a hole in it, its was a 1988 gmc jimmy p/u. well he went back to run my stuff and i had 2 other officer show up and like block me in, they thought i was going to run for a exhaust leak lol... well he just let me go with a "get that fixed". and conventialy i was next to a autozone so i said thats were i was going..sometimes cops are just on a power trip, your lucky you didnt get all 6 tickets

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Some officers just like to throw their weight around


thats why they eat so many donuts...........

except for the ones with D>A>R>E> on thier cars.... they have been through the

donut abuse resisistance education program.. :jester:

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I can totally relate.


Just last night I spent about 3 hours waxing my truck at the car wash

then I left, and when I did, I mashed it a little (no spin) and ran her

up to about 50, in a 35. There was this cop hiding behind the funeral

home (doing what, I don't know) who lit out after me.


He commences to scream at me about taking me to jail and impounding

my truck, so as I will never see it again? WTF? Last I heard if your ride

gets impounded, you pay the fee and haul ass? :dunno:


So after accusing me of hitting "70 or 80" (in about 150' might I add),

he thinks I'm some punk he pulled over the other day in a Crustang. :icon_bs:

I finally explain to him I haven't been pulled over in like 3 years, so he checks

and comes back to tell me he's lettin me off with a warning, but if he catches me

again, I'm off to jail and he is going to "get my license pulled"!


I live in a very rural OK town with about 1500 people and the cops here think that

they live in South Central, always with the pulling out the piece and cussin everybody.



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Here if Florida they can actually hit you with the same charges for racing even if your the only car on the road. They just call it "exhibition of speed". Its friggin rediculous, the people who drive 10-20mph under the speed limit that are really dangerous, they oughta do something about that instead

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i just want to remind everyone that being educated on your states laws and your rights are incredibly important. i just read a thread about a fellow SS member (think he drives a VMax) who was arrested for street racing on his way to work at 2 am(illegitimately). well (knock on wood) this same thing just about happened to me today. i was accused of "highway racing" because i went from 10-50 WOT. not only were there no cars in front of me, but none within 100 ft. i might add the speed limit was 45..... and i didnt spin my tires(they chirped the 1-2 tho). right after i stoped WOT a car pulled out and cut me off. so i braked, let about half a car of space and flipped on all 4 HIDs. the guy moved to one of the other 3 empty lanes :yellow_loser: . this officer tried writing me 6 tickets,(not including the criminal offense of "drag racing") but as i talked to him about each offense, they suddenly became "warnings". i guess he knew that he couldnt write them, i dont think he expected me to know anything about anything. after 50 minutes of harrassment, i got 3 window tint tickets. im not complying with the tickets, so it will cost $220. its $60 less if i "comply" and take it all off. but i figure its like $80 to retint my windsheild and two front windows. all i know is im glad i didnt sit back and get 6 tickets i would have to fight. how in the hell am i supposed to drag race myself?? he agreed with me that nobody was racing me.... like 3 other units showed up for the show, it was pretty rediculous. i dont think comming up to the back of my truck with his hand on his gun was totally neccesarry either :chillpill:


Thats is completly bullshit but the whole thing about him walking up to your truck is with any driver. I watch cops and worlds wildest police videos all the time and I see it time after time where they get shot at or shot so every cops approaches a vehicle with his hand on the gun cuz he doesn't know you or what your capable of. Just some info for ya and in regards to the guy whos cop tried to take his license and shit saying he was doing 70 or 80 in a 35 tell him you want to see the radar or laser to confirm your speed and if he has a video camera that will help you out as well even though you cant see the tape from just that moment if hes harrasing you find out if he has a camera in the car and go to the police station and tell about what happened and have his badge number and tell em hes on video tape because cops cant tamper with the tape. Good Luck Though Also maybe just to cover your ass have a voice recorder handy somewhere in your vehicle the next time you get pulled over turn it on and let the game begin. Try to put it some where on the door so they can clearly catch what the officer is saying.

Edited by NashSS (see edit history)
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