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What did you want

SS Silv

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i am still young but, when i was younger i was big into fishing and i wanted to be a charter fisherman. i am still fishing to this day, but right now i am working as a first mate on a 120 ft yacht, striving to become a captain of either private yachts, or a fishing charter. i will make the bigger bucks captaining rich folk's private yachts, but i was always a fisherman at heart, so i will probebly do both. i'll switch off one to the other when each job is finished. i'm looking forward to it. :thumbs:

Edited by BlackSS04 (see edit history)
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i am still young but, when i was younger i was big into fishing and i wanted to be a charter fisherman. i am still fishing to this day, but right now i am working as a first mate on a 120 ft yacht, striving to become a captain of either private yachts, or a fishing charter. i will make the bigger bucks captaining rich folk's private yachts, but i was always a fisherman at heart, so i will probebly do both. i'll switch off one to the other when each job is finished. i'm looking forward to it. :thumbs:

Sounds like a cool job. Do you have any pics in action?

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i am still young but, when i was younger i was big into fishing and i wanted to be a charter fisherman. i am still fishing to this day, but right now i am working as a first mate on a 120 ft yacht, striving to become a captain of either private yachts, or a fishing charter. i will make the bigger bucks captaining rich folk's private yachts, but i was always a fisherman at heart, so i will probebly do both. i'll switch off one to the other when each job is finished. i'm looking forward to it. :thumbs:

Sounds like a cool job. Do you have any pics in action?


i actually do have some pics of my last trip were we went up to Maine, and all the way back down to the Bahamas, and then back to West Palm Beach. it was a 5 month trip, and i have a shit load of pics of all the places we went. i will try to post the good ones when i can.

Edited by BlackSS04 (see edit history)
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well im still young and nows the time to be deciding. when i was little i wanted to be a doctor..then i realized it was a lot of school so thats a no-no. now im going to school for either mechanical enginerring or a history teacher. but i will have a side bussiness with cars. i saw another mechanical eng. here so i will definlty be pming him!!!!

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When I was real little I wanted to be a firefighter and then when I was in high school I thought it would be fun to be an engineer/designer in the auto industry.



Everyday now I get to be a Sys Admin for our LInux servers, DBA with our databases and write software (web based applications) with the rest of our company.

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I wanted to either manage a ski resort or be a professional driver. Not a race car driver but like the guys in comercials and doing stunts. You know when it says professional driver do not attempt? I wanted to do that. I've been to a few driving schools and do all my own stunts, cops aren't usually too amused.

I actually started college as a sports med major, stuck with that till I did an internship with the Carolina Panthers and figured out that pro athletes are pricks. So I switched to Business Admin. I worked as a BS middle manager for an insurance company after college and then stumbled into selling cars. I've been at it a little over three years now and I'm doing F&I for a small dealership. My mom still asks why they paid all that money to send me to college to sell cars but hey I've got it to fall back on if I get sick of this and that's never bad.


My grandmother is 82 and still says she doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up.

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