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got pulled over

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So I was at Wal Mart last night when I saw an F-150 Harley Davidson edition. He left the parking lot the same time I did. I pull up next to him on the highway and punch it a little to try and get him to race, but he wasn't going to. So I just pulled in front of him and got off at my exit. He followed me and I could tell that he had no intention on racing so I went back driving the speed limit. I look in my mirror and I see that he is going really slow. Didn't know what he was doing so I just ignored him and just continued on my way. I passed a parking lot where I saw a dodge charger police car. I passed by and look in the mirror and saw the F-150 pull into the parking lot next to the cop and I said damn. :banghead: I got pulled over about a mile or so down the road. The first thing the cop asked was, were is your license plate (which had been stolen 3 days ago) I told him the story and then he went back to check on it. When he came back he asked me what I was trying to do with the F-150 earlier, I told him the truth. Just as i did the F-150 roles up and parks behind the cop. He gets out and comes over to me and shows me his badge. He told the other cop that i was speeding on the small streets and driving Jacka@$, which i wasn't. Once i knew he didn't want to race i left him alone. But whatever the guy was not very nice and i think that he was on a power trip. I think the off duty cop in the F-150 was just jealous of the SS. He asked me if I liked his truck; i lied and said yes. The funny thing is they didn't give me a ticket. I think manly because i didn't have a license plate and i was going to get a new one. O well. Note to self don't try race Harley edition F-150. :dunno:

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Back in 03, I got my first papering since 1984. @$$hole high school cop wanted to race me in my orange 03 rcsb. Like a dumbass I waxed him, so he pulls up at the next light screaming at me to pull it over N O W !! Then he called in a city unit to paper me.


I dont hate cops, just those who bait and entrap people.

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thats nothing....i live in Fremont, CA


according to last years survey its the safest city in the country. and for some reason they have an undercover all blacked out daytona charger...an undercover bike cop. and 3 under cover all blacked out tahoes


a bit overkill i think :dupe:

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You got lucky, that will be a funny story when you look back on it.





But on a quick sidenote, If I ran a goverment every damn cop would drive blacked out rides. I would maybe make them a little better "prepared" for anything....but thats starting to step over the lines of crazy militia men :uhoh:

BUT it would look hella cool....thats right I said "hella"

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That's what I like around here, you can not be legally pulled over by an unmarked police car. You may have not got the ticket for the sheer fact your license plate story was the truth, and the on-duty cop didn't see you do anything wrong. Haters. Anyway, how did the Dodge Charger police car look?

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That's what I like around here, you can not be legally pulled over by an unmarked police car. You may have not got the ticket for the sheer fact your license plate story was the truth, and the on-duty cop didn't see you do anything wrong. Haters. Anyway, how did the Dodge Charger police car look?


it was sick...


unsanitary even

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They couldn't have given you a ticket anyways. Just because an off-duty cop in his personal vehicle observed you speeding, he can not call up an on-duty cop or stop and tell a cop, etc. His speedo on his truck isn't police calibrated and he doesnt have speed monitoring equipment. I would have begged them to give you a ticket, because both of those cops would be in big big trouble.

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They couldn't have given you a ticket anyways. Just because an off-duty cop in his personal vehicle observed you speeding, he can not call up an on-duty cop or stop and tell a cop, etc. His speedo on his truck isn't police calibrated and he doesnt have speed monitoring equipment. I would have begged them to give you a ticket, because both of those cops would be in big big trouble.


He could of gotten busted if he was a little buzzed! They can get you like that! :cheers:


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thats nothing....i live in Fremont, CA


according to last years survey its the safest city in the country. and for some reason they have an undercover all blacked out daytona charger...an undercover bike cop. and 3 under cover all blacked out tahoes


a bit overkill i think :dupe:


i dont know what survey thats from but fremont aint all that safe.

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i dont know what survey thats from but fremont aint all that safe.

:yellow_loser: I was thinking the same thing while reading that...Fremont is about as safe as Watts down here in SoCal


Its hard to think any Bay Area city up north would get the ranking of safest city in California

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