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Kid almost falls out of ride

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ive seen that before, but its still funny. i dont know whats funnier, the fact that the kid almost fell out, or that when they stopped he probably told her what happened and she didnt believe him hahaha

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That kid should loose some ****ing weight, and read the weight maximum on rides before he gets on, effin porker!! Putting his own life in danger, and putting the parks reputation on the line.

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I've seen that video many times, and as funny as it is, I've had a similar experience. A buddy an I went to a carnival in town when I was about 15 or so, and of course our favorite ride was the Kamikaze (pic)



We happened to go on an off day, and there was hardly anyone there. So of course we rode the kamikaze over and over just because we could. On our last ride, we both locked down our chest/shoulder bars, the ride operator checked them, and sent us on our way. A lot of times, since it's part of the thrill, the operator would stop the ride when it was at the top, upside down. We all loved it, it was loads of fun. Unfortunately for me though, for whatever reason, the bar that comes over your shoulders/chest unlocked on me. My buddy still tells people this story, we're going upside down, the bars flapping up and down against my chest. I had my hands clenched onto the seat as tight as I could, considering the operator was letting it pause upside down. We were both yelling for him to stop the ride, but between the fact that he was sitting in a little plexi-glass booth and the noise of the ride, he couldn't hear us. Finally the ride came to a stop, I thought I was having a heart attack. As he was walking over we were both yelling at him, telling him that my bar wasn't locked, etc etc. He didn't believe us because by the time he walked over to us, the bars were unlocked and in the upright position. I had gripped the seat so tight the joints of my knuckles were bruised for a month. Trust me, it's not a pleasent experience. And I'm a HUGE thrill ride enthusiast, there isn't a ride that I have refused to go on.

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