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Starbucks = anti-American


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A good friend of mine works for a graphics company that makes posters, commercial art, and banners in Bishop CA. One of her last projects was a patriotic Memorial Day poster showing photos of all of the past and present residents of Bishop CA who have served in the armed services - these posters are displayed proudly all over town. In the only major supermarket in town, a Von’s, there is a Starbucks kiosk that was displaying a couple of the posters. Yesterday, (Monday, June 11), one of the Starbucks corporate managers was touring the area and visited the Von’s / Starbucks; upon seeing the Memorial Day posters he promptly tore them down, declaring that “Starbucks doesn’t support ‘factions”. I am told that the Von’s manager was furious and the posters were restored within 20 minutes after this corporate ass left.


Last time I checked the Starbucks headquarters in Seattle was located in the USA - and I wasn’t aware that supporting local heroes made one a member of a “faction”. My friends and I are outraged about this, and getting the name of the Starbuck$ big-wig, a copy of the art he tore down, and some contact information. We're trying to get this on Drudge Report in 48 hours!


Mr. P.

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this is not the first time for Starbucks :yellow_loser: if i remember some time back, there was a request from some troops to get some starbucks sent to them in IRAQ. no freebies from the the co. but donations from every day people to send it to them. well STARBUCKS found out about it and MADE A BIG STINK THAT THAY WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, OR HAVING THERE PRODUCT SENT TO OUR TROOPS.... :rant:

i believe there is a thread here in this.

so we now need a F**k STARBUCKS smiley. have never had any and i NEVER WILL.....





i stand corrected


[quote name='Boogie_baby2628' date='Apr 11 2006, 04:43 PM' post='267576'\

Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffee and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee.


Edited by desrtrat (see edit history)
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I don't go to Starbucks but once in a great while. I have this thing about $5.00 for a cup of coffee, but if I'm in Barnes and Noble on a winter day I'll indulge. Not any more. This needs to be brought to light, so they can be run out of business.

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yall are too gullible. im sure this is just more of the e-junk floating around in FWD e-mails.

I can understand your skepticism - it's not a hoax, my conversation is with the person who designed the posters; I'm working on getting the rest of the particulars by tonight - hang tight...


Mr. P.

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this is not the first time for Starbucks :yellow_loser: if i remember some time back, there was a request from some troops to get some starbucks sent to them in IRAQ. no freebies from the the co. but donations from every day people to send it to them. well STARBUCKS found out about it and MADE A BIG STINK THAT THAY WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, OR HAVING THERE PRODUCT SENT TO OUR TROOPS.... :rant:

i believe there is a thread here in this.

so we now need a F**k STARBUCKS smiley. have never had any and i NEVER WILL.....



i stand corrected


[quote name='Boogie_baby2628' date='Apr 11 2006, 04:43 PM' post='267576'\

Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffee and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee.






If this is all true then itis total bullsh_t on starbucks part,how do you not send coffee to men and women willing to die to keep our freedoms and keep starbucks selling their overpriced corporate coffee. :yellow_loser:

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[quote name='Boogie_baby2628' date='Apr 11 2006, 04:43 PM' post='267576'\

Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffee and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee.


there was a matress company that pulled the same crap. I knew there was some deep down underlying reason why I have never and will never go in a Starbucks. correction, I fixed one store's T1 circuit, but I didn't order anything. I was offered and refused.

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lol .... good ol starbucks ...... maybe you should team up with this guy when you find out more info






He is setting up a page that links people with information for legal action against starbucks.









Starbucks announced this week that from now on new Starbucks employees will be required to go through 32 hours of training.


The first hour Starbucks employees learn how to make a cup of coffee, then the next 31 hours they learn how to charge $4 with a straight face.



www.starbucked.com --- looks pretty official ( anti-starbucks )

Edited by Big O (see edit history)
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lol .... good ol starbucks ...... maybe you should team up with this guy when you find out more info






He is setting up a page that links people with information for legal action against starbucks.









Starbucks announced this week that from now on new Starbucks employees will be required to go through 32 hours of training.


The first hour Starbucks employees learn how to make a cup of coffee, then the next 31 hours they learn how to charge $4 with a straight face.



www.starbucked.com --- looks pretty official ( anti-starbucks )



hahaha thats hilarious

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