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New California Laws effective 7/1/07

New Driving Fines for 2007


1. Carpool lane - 1st time $1068.50 starting 7/1/07 (The $271 posted

on the highway is old). Don't do it again because 2nd time is going to be

double. 3rd time triple, and 4th time license suspended.


2. Incorrect lane change - $380. Don't cross the lane on solid lines or intersections.


3. Block intersection - $485


4. Driving on the shoulder - $450


5. Cell phone use in the construction zone. - Double fine as of 07/01/07.

Cell phone use must be "hands free" while driving.


6. Passengers over 18 not in their seatbelts - both passengers and drivers get tickets .


7. Speeders can only drive 3 miles above the limit.


8. DUI = JAIL (Stays on your driving record for 10 years!)


9. As of 07/01/07 cell phone use must be "hands free" while driving.

Ticket is $285. They will be looking for this like crazy - easy money for police department

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definatley agree with the cell phone laws. I have seen so many run lights and do stupid shit while talking on their cell phone. I get so irritated when I get behind people going 10-20 mph below the speed limit thinking they are being safer while talking.

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FYI, it was tested and apperantly its not the use of the cell phone that causes the problems but the actual conversation in process.


Oh really? Ok I guess then 98% of all conversations are " I want you to slow down to a dangerously slow speed and not look while crossong intersections and pay no mind to the traffic lights either" I talk on a cell phone on occasion but I go the speed limit and keep talk to a minimal. I see people yacking on the phone by placing it on their shoulder so they can have both hands to drive and not be able to turn their head enough to see traffic coming before they pull out in front of ya and that has nothing to do with the conversation. Don't get me wrong I think blue tooth technology is the absolute dumbest looking thing I have seen in a while. Sure use it in the car but walking around a store? Gimme a break you look stupid with that thing on your ear. buttkick.gif

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I remember that study, it was tested on the grounds that the people both try and pay attention (not slouch, out it on thier shoulder etc) anyways they were having the conversation via, handsfree, bluetooth and cell phone

They were put in a simulator at it was found that across the board it was virtually the same for all participants, except the people not having a convo.

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FYI, it was tested and apperantly its not the use of the cell phone that causes the problems but the actual conversation in process.

Oh really,i always thouht it was the dumbass that is so rapped up in their consation to pay attention to the road that is the cause of the accidents.

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Oh really? Ok I guess then 98% of all conversations are " I want you to slow down to a dangerously slow speed and not look while crossong intersections and pay no mind to the traffic lights either" I talk on a cell phone on occasion but I go the speed limit and keep talk to a minimal. I see people yacking on the phone by placing it on their shoulder so they can have both hands to drive and not be able to turn their head enough to see traffic coming before they pull out in front of ya and that has nothing to do with the conversation. Don't get me wrong I think blue tooth technology is the absolute dumbest looking thing I have seen in a while. Sure use it in the car but walking around a store? Gimme a break you look stupid with that thing on your ear. buttkick.gif



Oh really,i always thouht it was the dumbass that is so rapped up in their consation to pay attention to the road that is the cause of the accidents.


This was in refrence to the fact that hands free devices don't solve the problem, not to the fact that using the phone doesn't increase the risk of accident. so yes, its not the actual use off the phone but the conversation involved weather a hands free divice is used or not.


Yes Drako that is the study i was refering too. Thanks

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This was in refrence to the fact that hands free devices don't solve the problem, not to the fact that using the phone doesn't increase the risk of accident. so yes, its not the actual use off the phone but the conversation involved weather a hands free divice is used or not.


Yes Drako that is the study i was refering too. Thanks


:thumbs: gotcha

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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jesus. i love cali but they are def. getting a little outta hand here. theres a city in so cal called Calabasas and they have officially and legally banned smoking in the entire city. no cigars, no pot, no cigarettes. ive never smoked a day in my life, and i dont plan on it but that just seems like over kill. you're only allowed to smoke in your house?? dont get me wrong, i hate the smell of smoke yada yada yada, but damn. now no cell phones?

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I dunno about the rest of you guys ... but when I talk and drive, the conversation is priority #2 ... especially when driving in the city.


I've been in a few conversations where I asked someone to hold on or let me call them back because traffic was getting out of control.


I hope no bans come to the east coast. I work via. my phone. Can't afford to have it off anytime ...

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