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Something interesting happened yesterday


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Another story of the Internet bringing people together.


Yesterday I got an email from a gentleman who informed me that he is my once-removed uncle on my mother's side (he and my mother are cousins). In his research he dug-up my mother's name, and from there found my name associated with my mother on the Poythress family tree website. Our nearest common relatives are my great grandparents (who are also his grandparents).


He told me that he grew up without a father, being told his whole life by his mother that his dad had died when he was an infant. In fact his father died just 5 years ago and he found this out completely by accident and is now seeking the rest of his family.


By total luck this guy lives in the Dallas-Ft Worth area (about 1-hr away from me), and he's a professor at UNT in Denton TX. So I think we're going to definitely have lunch sometime.


The world is a smaller place than you think.


Mr. P. :)

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gotta take pics of his hands teaching at the whiteboard in class,.. this way we can compare to your pics and know for sure,....

if its a Mr. P relative



:crackup: Good idea - will do!




The backstory of this guy's father, according to my mother - to make the story easier to tell the man who contacted me is named John, and his father (the one he presumed dead) is named Junior. Anyways, Junior was drafted to fight in WWII, and he married his sweetheart just before leaving; he was assigned to the USS Boise in the battle of Savo Island (WWII Pacific campaign, Guadalcanal, Henderson Field, etc) and the battle that he fought in was the one we lost and the Japanese were able to resupply and almost destroy/retake Henderson air field, over 150 men on the USS Boise were KIA; anyways two years later when Junior was discharged he had shell-shock (post-traumatic stress) so bad that there was no hope for any kind of normal life. John's mother basically took the baby (John, born while Junior was on action) and left never to be heard from again. Junior likewise fell off the family radar and also was never really heard from until his death in 2002, he had a lifetime of psych and physical disability, including advanced cancer etc and from what I am told his last few years were very painful and difficult. In my mom's words, "Junior didn't have a good life".


John doesn't yet know that his dad is dead; I'm sure he will be crushed when I tell him.


Mr. P.

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