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any one see couture dominate?


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in case anyone missed it that cares, randy couture punished gabe ganzaga leading to a thirdround ref stoppage. the 44 year old was able to pick up the 252 pound ganzaga and slam him causing him to break his nose. GSP also got back on track by out wresling the huge ego'd josh koscheck. roger huerta put on a great show defeating a BJJ world champ. if anyone noticed from the first fight they aired on there was a big puddle of blood in the middle of the ring, i did some research and this came from bobalu sobral's fight that didn't air. he faced an opponent with a nine and o record and appearently had a big upper hand and when he finished the fight via a choke he held on for a few seconds after the ref came in to stop it and he was boo'd. would have liked to of seen that fight but it sucks to see that type of sportsmanship out of a veteran.


one of the undercard fights for the fights two weeks from now, which are free on spike!!!! is mircro cro cop and cheick kongo. these two are probably the two best heavy weight kick boxers in the game this fight will end in a knock out for sure. check it out

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I cant believe I even betted against Couture .. my instinct said he would rock Gonzaga, but I still believed Gonzage could submit him if taken down since his jiu jitsu is some of the best... probably the best bjj of all the heavyweights in the UFC right now.


Anyways the babalu fight was pretty sick... heaths record was 9-1 not 9 and 0.. and babalu was the more dominent fighter. I am going to say its because he has been training with my coach Mike "The Joker" Guyman a lot here in orange county... :)


too bad it didnt air...





Edited by punkt71 (see edit history)
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dude pitting cro cop against cheick kongo is like putting Chuck Lidell up against the Karate Kid..... give me a fockin break... 1st round KO right there


Then whats up with Keith Jardine getting a shot at Lidell? Didnt that one new guy (huge black dude, 'loco' tatted on his neck) knock out Jardine in 45 seconds a couple of UFC's ago..? That guy should fight Lidell.. I think he would slaughter Chuck! Jardine is going to be eaten alive

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Couture beat the sh*t out of Gonzaga. After that slam broke his nose, he was a little bitch the rest of the fight. I was at a hooters watching the fight and everyone bood Gonzaga for stopping the fight because he couldn't see. What a crock, he couldn't see because Couture had his fist in his eyes during the entire fight.

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Couture is the SHIT!!!! Dame I didnt know we had any UFC fans in here. Here comes Fador and Couture next!!! :confused: Chuck and Jardine :crackup: cant wait for that!!! Rampage in 2 weeks he is a bad bitch


Yeah dude i have been a UFC fan for years, its what got me started training MMA about 4 years ago... not to be a professional fighter or anything but just for fun. As far as Rampage and Dan Henderson go... Dan Henderson is going to destroy Rampage!!



Couture beat the sh*t out of Gonzaga. After that slam broke his nose, he was a little bitch the rest of the fight. I was at a hooters watching the fight and everyone bood Gonzaga for stopping the fight because he couldn't see. What a crock, he couldn't see because Couture had his fist in his eyes during the entire fight.


Yeah as soon as he broke his nose and blood was pouring out, it killed his drive to fight.. it looked like he had a hard time breathing and was just staying in Coutures clinch trying to just avoid getting hit anymore. The whole 'I cant see' shit was a way to try to bitch out of the fight, but Herb Dean was questioning him because there wasnt blood in his eyes and he decided to just go threw with the ass beating.


I dont think Gonzaga even trained to fight against the cage or in the clinch ... Randy's clinch is just overpowering and insane

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1-dont ever bet against couture hes a bad ass


2-Gonzaga couldnt breath but was bitchin about not being able to see. either way u cant just stop a fight.....you wait untill the round is over then whine to ur trainer..not the ref.


3- rampage will kill henderson :P


me and abunch of friends watched the fights sat. night. was a good time. glad St-pier pulled that fight off too.

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1-dont ever bet against couture hes a bad ass


2-Gonzaga couldnt breath but was bitchin about not being able to see. either way u cant just stop a fight.....you wait untill the round is over then whine to ur trainer..not the ref.


3- rampage will kill henderson :P


me and abunch of friends watched the fights sat. night. was a good time. glad St-pier pulled that fight off too.


I lost $100 betting on Couture the last time he fought Lidell .. and I lost $50 Saturday night betting against him.. this guy is costing me money!! hahah but now he is a straight madman. I think Lidell kicked his ass because he was going through a divorce and some hard times.. now he is determined and he is a MADMAN on a roll.


Whats Shamrocks excuse? Everyone said he starting sucking ass because he was getting old.. Randy proved that theory wrong !


But I hate to say it.. if he does indeed fight Cro Crop... I think I will actually recoup some of the betting money I have lost in the past by betting against him :jester:

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so you think cro cop will knock out kongo no contest? how long have you been watching this sport? nothing is certain and cheick has the power to end that fight standing up really fast. i believe cro cop will be an easier oppenent for couture as well, he doesn't have the ground game to deal with couture, he will get pounded out. but then again there is always a swingers chance.

Edited by faceliftedss (see edit history)
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Randy is my new man idol. I was just hoping he would get out of the 1st round. i figured randys biggest advantage was conditioning and that showed plus he just beat the hell out of Gonzaga but it was a tense fight the whole way through because gonzaga has that power and he scared me for a second at the end when he caught randy clean with a head kick.

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so you think cro cop will knock out kongo no contest? how long have you been watching this sport? nothing is certain and cheick has the power to end that fight standing up really fast.


How long have you been watching the sport? Chieck Kongo is a -decent- striker but has NO GROUND game... did you ever see the fight with Kongo vs Assuerio Silva? What a joke that was.. he would take down Silva and sit there like he was stumped on what to do next. Cro Cop will out strike him, and when it gets to the ground he will dominate Chieck... dont count out Cro Cop for submissions, hell didnt he choke out Kevin Randleman in pride? I think it was a guilletine choke..


As far as Chieck Kongo goes he has a professional record of like 4 wins 2 losses (just double checked and its right) and has only had a total of 13 or so professional fights to Mirko's 40+ fights. Sure there is a chance he will get a lucky shot, and there always is a chance. But to pick Kongo as a winner already is just placing a bet on an upset because it has been the norm lately.


So a betting man placing money on Kongo is not making a smart decision.. just look up his fight with Assuerio Silva and you will see how amatuer of a fighter he is... and I doubt much has changed since then. Cro Cop is a more experienced dominating fighter who happened to get KO'd by a lucky kick. I have a feeling that will be the last loss for Mirko for a LONG time to come.

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kongo is lacking in the ground game but if they choose to exchange i think it will be a great and exciting fight. these guys are professionals and so they learn just enough of their weak suites to get away with it. everyone thinks cro cop is such an awesome striker but he has a weak chin and up against another powerful striker he will face problems. the nick diaz vs. robby lawler fight comes to mind, no one doubted robbys ability to throw but when someone actually boxed him he could't handle it. so i hope this fight stays standing it will be a heck of a lot more exciting because it will be an assurio silva fight all over again.

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