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Gm Worker Strike


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We can Not compete with Communist China or Mexico. Can you live on 27¢

an hour? I can't. I don't think the board members at gm can either.

The countries that we compete with are **** places to live.

There is no reinvestment of infrastructure in their society,

governments grab all the money. Look at the pollution in Communist China.

Look at all the crap they sell us. It falls apart in a half an hour or less.

Also they are poisioning us, and Mattel apologizes to the Chinese?

So they can keep using that slave labor over there and Johnny can have a nice christmas

with his lead based toy, or kerosene in some toy called flashing evil eye?

Unions made the middle class in America. If we go into a depression

like the late 20's, there will be a cry for unions, just like in the 1930's.

I live in America and I want Americans to make our own stuff.

I want to see Americans do well. The better I do, the better you do.

That's the way money is passed along.

Watch out for those Mexican truck drivers hauling that shit from china

all over those U.S. highways that you & I pay for.



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I think for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about the UAW. I am not saying all unions are bad, for example my dad put in a full career with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and those guys have to f'n bust their ass for a living. So no you cannot just make a blanket statement that unions are bad, but like any other large organization it can become very corrupt and/or a hindrance to business rather than a help.


Mr. P.



I'm a member of the IBEW. Our contract is up next August and it already isn't looking too good. Nice to see there might be alittle support on here from some members. I agree that in some instances, the heads of the unions tend to do what they think is best and not what the membership thinks is best, but there are still benefits to having unions in this country. Sometimes the membership should look inward at who's running the show and make changes if things get out of control.



Oh yea, the UAW strike is over. They reached a tentative agreement last night.

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I have been a little busy lately, if you read on, you will know why, or I would have posted sooner...

My background...

I have had a job since I was 14 years old...I am 41 now...a typical hard worker like most of us here...

I have done everything from deliver papers, pick fruit, McDonalds as a 'kid' to working in a bodyshop at a Cadillac Dealer for 12 years...until I took a job at General Motors...

I started working for 'Delphi' in 1995 at a parts plant in Flint Michigan, the home of the UAW...

I was hired in at $12.40 per hour, and I was also the lowest seniority person out there of the 12,000 employees...

At first I was reluctant to work for such a low wage at the time because I was making double that as a painter at a dealer, until my boss decided he did not like me anymore because I would not pay him $200 per week if he gave me good work...So I worked on old 'customer pay' jobs and not 'insurance' collision work...ALL COMPLETELY LEGAL when you are non-union...look it up if you are an 'at will' employee...

Although he committed fraud with the insurance companies on a weekly basis, I could never report it...not worth losing my job...

I was also hurt at work once and missed a month of paychecks...I could not report/turn a claim in for workmans comp, or I would have been fired...not legal, but could I go a few months without pay and be blacklisted??? No...

After working at a parts plant for over 2 years, I transferd to an automobile plant...I worked the assembly line for another 6 years until I entered the skilled trades program and became a 'pipefitter' and 'pipewelder'...I also have 2 associates and a bachelors degree...GM paid for my school...it was contractual/negotiated for me...

I am now a elected union representative for the UAW here in Detroit at the General Motors Poletown plant...

After I was hired at GM originally in Flint,I was married, soon after my partner gave birth to a special needs child...

I learned all about great health benefits that where negotiated for me because of her medical needs...

Did you know that if you are considerd 'castrophic' on your medical plan that they MAY cancel your health insurance at any time? Look it up...

Mine was never threatend because of the union...

I would have lost everything, and my daughter never would have had the standard of life she did if I did not have my NEGOTIATED benifits...so you can figure where my loyalty lies...for good reason...

I am now an elected union representative where I work, I represent about 300 of the 1,900 whom work here...

I can truthfully say...at least this..

there is no favoritism here...seniority and job performance rules...

there is no sexual harassment...or someone is fired...guaranteed...

we build world class automobiles here...eqaul or better than the 'asian' companies...look it up...'j.d. poweer and associates'...

we have the most efficient and profitable work force in the world...an assembly worker here works 57-58 seconds of every minute, every day...

The total labor cost to build either our Buick or Cadillac cost is approximately $2,000...we dont choose what we build, but we do it everyday in spite of poor engineering...ever have trouble working on a car?...we do it 8 hours everyday...

90% of my worker problems come from 5% of my people, I would guess that is human nature...

Enough rant...LOL I could type more...but the carpal tunnel that I have because of working an assmbly line for 6 years is killing me...and it will never improve...

Edited by cadillacbob (see edit history)
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I think my big beef with unions is that they seem to protect lazy, and incompetent workers. This is solely based on my personal dealings with some individuals at PDCs with GM and Ford. It may not be as wide spread as My mind is making it out to be, and these people may be dealt with eventually.

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I have been a little busy lately, if you read on, you will know why, or I would have posted sooner...

My background...

I have had a job since I was 14 years old...I am 41 now...a typical hard worker like most of us here...

I have done everything from deliver papers, pick fruit, McDonalds as a 'kid' to working in a bodyshop at a Cadillac Dealer for 12 years...until I took a job at General Motors...

I started working for 'Delphi' in 1995 at a parts plant in Flint Michigan, the home of the UAW...

I was hired in at $12.40 per hour, and I was also the lowest seniority person out there of the 12,000 employees...

At first I was reluctant to work for such a low wage at the time because I was making double that as a painter at a dealer, until my boss decided he did not like me anymore because I would not pay him $200 per week if he gave me good work...So I worked on old 'customer pay' jobs and not 'insurance' collision work...ALL COMPLETELY LEGAL when you are non-union...look it up if you are an 'at will' employee...

Although he committed fraud with the insurance companies on a weekly basis, I could never report it...not worth losing my job...

I was also hurt at work once and missed a month of paychecks...I could not report/turn a claim in for workmans comp, or I would have been fired...not legal, but could I go a few months without pay and be blacklisted??? No...

After working at a parts plant for over 2 years, I transferd to an automobile plant...I worked the assembly line for another 6 years until I entered the skilled trades program and became a 'pipefitter' and 'pipewelder'...I also have 2 associates and a bachelors degree...GM paid for my school...it was contractual/negotiated for me...

I am now a elected union representative for the UAW here in Detroit at the General Motors Poletown plant...

After I was hired at GM originally in Flint,I was married, soon after my partner gave birth to a special needs child...

I learned all about great health benefits that where negotiated for me because of her medical needs...

Did you know that if you are considerd 'castrophic' on your medical plan that they MAY cancel your health insurance at any time? Look it up...

Mine was never threatend because of the union...

I would have lost everything, and my daughter never would have had the standard of life she did if I did not have my NEGOTIATED benifits...so you can figure where my loyalty lies...for good reason...

I am now an elected union representative where I work, I represent about 300 of the 1,900 whom work here...

I can truthfully say...at least this..

there is no favoritism here...seniority and job performance rules...

there is no sexual harassment...or someone is fired...guaranteed...

we build world class automobiles here...eqaul or better than the 'asian' companies...look it up...'j.d. poweer and associates'...

we have the most efficient and profitable work force in the world...an assembly worker here works 57-58 seconds of every minute, every day...

The total labor cost to build either our Buick or Cadillac cost is approximately $2,000...we dont choose what we build, but we do it everyday in spite of poor engineering...ever have trouble working on a car?...we do it 8 hours everyday...

90% of my worker problems come from 5% of my people, I would guess that is human nature...

Enough rant...LOL I could type more...but the carpal tunnel that I have because of working an assmbly line for 6 years is killing me...and it will never improve...




Just like everywhere else in America, overseas, and abroad, there are lazy people in the workforce. Whether it be non Union, or Union, it doesn't matter! I just hate to hear people bad mouth Unions in general because they worked with someone who was lazy and just happened to be in a Union. Come with me to my job and I'll show you how hard I work. I make decent $$$, have one of the best benefits packages in the world, a great 401K in which the employer matches to a certain level and it's all because my Union has negotiated it for me. Oh yea, my employer can't just fire me on a whim either because he feels the need to cutback!!!! :ughdance:

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Just like everywhere else in America, overseas, and abroad, there are lazy people in the workforce. Whether it be non Union, or Union, it doesn't matter! I just hate to hear people bad mouth Unions in general because they worked with someone who was lazy and just happened to be in a Union. Come with me to my job and I'll show you how hard I work. I make decent $$$, have one of the best benefits packages in the world, a great 401K in which the employer matches to a certain level and it's all because my Union has negotiated it for me. Oh yea, my employer can't just fire me on a whim either because he feels the need to cutback!!!! :ughdance:


I can see you are also well read and intelligent enough by your posting...Your post is all facts, not opinion or hearsay...

I agree with you completely!!!

Work hard brother...So we can preserve what our fathers and mothers fought for...Let us secure a future for the next generation...

Solidarity forever...

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Glad you made it thru.

I drove by the chene gate honking my horn for you :thumbs:


I am union and lost my job this year. It is very hard in MI now, I see very few jobs.

We might be 'picking up some new ssn's' soon...stay tuned

Edited by cadillacbob (see edit history)
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