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Got My First Speeding Ticket


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i was driving from my home town back to college (6 hour drive) and wanted it to pass by a little faster... like i said this was my first speeding ticket. i was driving a lil faster than everyone else, when what should i see in my rearview but a porshe haulin so im like right on ill follow him! so i push the peddal down and i'm cruising bewteen 100-115 keeping this guy in site, well i finally get see him with slow down and not thinking i didn't let off! well i got a ticket for 105 in a 75. probably the coolest cop i ever met. he asked me if my rims were stock and i told him no, so he was like that will throw off your speedo, so i played stupid and was like really! long story short he took 18 miles off the ticket, bringing it down from like $260 to right around $100. wish i woulda spent it on a good radar detector.

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Its always awesome when cops are cool. My mom and I were rolling along on the way down the alcan, we were getting close to the border and trying to make up time. Long story short we tried to pass this guy doing about 80, he sped up, we sped up. The radar decector went off and mom ignored it. Then a cop flew by showing us his lights so we pulled off. He knocked it down from a 87 (he caught us doing 97 but didn't get a fix right away) in a 55 to a 64 in a 55.


Do you have a fuzbuster? My friends and I all convoy back from college with CB's, its a 6-8 hour drive, needless to say we can make it in about 4. Its awesome driving in a pack because you have a lookout way ahead and a spotter behind. We haven't been pulled yet. We have Cobras and beltronics for radar protection.

Edited by Fast2500Ak (see edit history)
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over a hundo thats ur ride been impouded in most of cali double the limit or over a hundo is impound and ur license for a few months but thats sick he let u off and only 260 for over a hundo thats a grand in tickets in cali plus the impound if the cops do it by the book. where were u when it happened. im movin there. my tickets were a hundo for ten miles over the limit


I feel really stupid here, but I do not understand one word. :banghead:

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over a hundo thats ur ride been impouded...
Yeah but you gotta remember that this is NM we are talking about, hauling ass through that desert is pretty much the norm except on I40. A lot of my faster driving has been through there, especially from Las Cruces to Lordsburg on I10 that's pretty much autobahn during the mid-morning hours. :driving:


Mr. P. :)

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helps to have a badass truck. nice story bro, that's awesome. I got let off from not having my tag renewed (i forgot, :smash: ). The two sherriffs just looked my truck up and down, inside and out and i showed them all the toys i have on her and they let me go. pretty cool

ES :flag:

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Haha, I was thinking the same thing. That is the biggest run-on sentence I have seen.





anyway yea you got lucky as hell....but ive gotten off a few times too....one time a cop pulled me over for haulin ass on college campus and his exact words were "anybody with a truck this nice deserves a second chance, get outa here" pretty cool i thought

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