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Petty Theft


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Well, I went out for lunch today to Quick Check (kind of like a 7-11 to those that do not have the chain by you) and grabbed a sandwhich, hot pretzel and a bag of chips. I went up to the cashier to pay and stood in line like I normally would however something was very interesting about how the guy in front of me was acting. I watched him buy 3, 1 liter bottles of Coke, a pack of M&M's (p-nut), sandwhich and a pack of Marlboro reds. The cashier rang him up and fumbled with the bottles of Coke, finally landing them into the plastic bag along with the M&M's and the sandwhich. She then gave the man the total and he handed her a $20. She cashed him out and said "have a good day",...then looked to me for my transaction. The guy then started looking in his plastic bag for his cigs,...and finally said "hey, you forgot my Marlboro reds that I PAID for". The cashier was very puzzled and looked into the bag along with the guy. After about 10-20 seconds of looking around she said she must have forgotten to put them in the bag and gave the guy a pack of Marlboro reds.


Now, I was very observant on this transaction for some reason (I am usually checking out the eye-candy that frequents the store during lunch) and I clearly watched the guy slip the pack of cigs in his chest pocket, under his coat.


So WHAT WOULD YOU DO??? :confused:


Here is what I did. ...The cashier gave the guy his cigs and politely asked me how I was doing today and proceeded to ring me up. I thought about this for a split second and stated very boisterously "Fantastic,...UNTIL I just witnessed that guy steal a pack of Marlboros!" Everyone in line and the 2 cashiers got real quiet. The guy that just lifted the cigs stopped turned around and instantly approached me looking like he is ready to swing :crackup: I am totally ready for some excitement as I feel my adrenaline picking up rapidly. Before he could say or do anything, I said "that's right, show the nice lady what you have in your front pocket under your jacket". "The camera watched you do it too" (as I pointed to the camera above the cash register). He stops, reaches under his jacket, pulls out the cigs and slaps them down on the counter and quickly makes an exit without making a scene. I'll admit, I thought I may be in trouble when he reached under his jacket and was ready to make a move but I am glad it worked out the way it did.


That was my fun packed lunch for the week! :ughdance:

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I live in baltimore city ! I would have had to let that one go or told the cashier once he walked out, to many people around here have no fear or shooting or stabbing someone. just my 2 cents but glad it work out for the store! My life isnt worth a store lossing 3.50 ....



If i was in a different town or city maybe i would have said something but here i would have passed!

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probably the same thing. you were in a pretty dangerous situation though. close range with a low life that is that desperate he has to lie and steal for 1 pack of cigs. he was liable to do anything. some people are just dumb.

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As I already know, you are an honest person, that is why you did what you did. :thumbs: I would have done that depending on the situation, here in my neighborhood there are a lot of litle punk kids around, and I have the only SSS in the area (that I know of). An adult I would have done the same, but if it was one of those little punks I might think twice for fear they will vandalize my truck during the night. Besides, like me, you have size on your side. If they step out of line, just crush'em like a bug, unless they have a gun of course. :smash:

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I believe the way it works in MA is that it's not tecnically theft until they leave the store (I'm sure if I'm wrong about that I'll be corrected swiftly, as it only should be). That being said I would've waited until the lifter left the store and then made my remark to the cashier. This way it saves the business from embarrassment, and it becomes a crime that the store / chain can go after the perp for if need be...

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wow. thats pretty ballzy, good for you bro. its amazing how some people are the equivalent of dog shit. the cashier is probably making $8 an hour behind the register and this guy figures she should pay for his cigaretts at the end of the day when her register doesnt add up.


what a douchbag.

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As I already know, you are an honest person, that is why you did what you did. :thumbs: I would have done that depending on the situation, here in my neighborhood there are a lot of litle punk kids around, and I have the only SSS in the area (that I know of). An adult I would have done the same, but if it was one of those little punks I might think twice for fear they will vandalize my truck during the night. Besides, like me, you have size on your side. If they step out of line, just crush'em like a bug, unless they have a gun of course. :smash:


I have size on my side 6'3" 235lbs but around here in baltimore you never know who has what in there pockets , but im glad it worked out that way and not a way it could have !!!

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LOL citizens on patrol! See Kevin, i would have done things differently because i like to fly very very low of the radar. since i've started carrying a gun, i tend to find myself not opening my mouth as much and steering clear of situations like that where i could potentailly be in a physical confrontation. my carry training has taught me to avoid situations exactly like that. unless danger is near, i keep quiet. now if this would have happened to me 2 years ago, i probably would have reacted the same as you. fun lunch break eh?

I have size on my side 6'3" 235lbs but around here in baltimore you never know who has what in there pockets , but im glad it worked out that way and not a way it could have !!!
krambo is actually bigger than you.
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