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Happy Veterans' Day

El Pozzinator

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as we approach the anniversary of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the Year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and eighteen, i'd like to say









to all my fellow veterans past, present, and future. it takes a special breed of individual to cowboy up and make that sacrifice to protect something no more tangible than air but as real as the blood we bled, the sweat we sweat, and the tears we cried.


i've officially separated honorably from 9 years in the Army Reserve, of which i spent literally six years and nine months wearing a uniform full time so i'm now even more thankful for those that stand between my family and the wolves at the gate.


to those currently serving, we civilian veterans may no longer don the uniform, but we're just on this side of the gates of hell, and we've got your back.


God Bless you all and God Bless the United States of America.


-mike pozzi

staff sergeant

303rd Tactical Psychological Operations Company

Operations Joint Forge 01-02, Iraqi Freedom zero, Iraqi Freedom 06-08

et al


RIP, brothers:

SGT Thomas A Vandling Jr 1982-2007 KIA 1 JAN 07

SGT Adam L Knox 1985-2006 KIA 17 SEP 06

Godspeed, gentlemen...

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Thank You to all that currently serve or have served!!! As well as Thank You to any and all relatives to everyone out there who is serving or has served!!! We are all forever indebted to you and the sacrifices you give/gave!!



Edited by KJT13 (see edit history)
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I too wanted to thank all the military members on here aswell. As a SSgt in the Air Force I can say that I have been out there with all you and seen the blood and sweat and tears that the rest of you have seen. After 10 years I'm about to reenlist for 6 more so that I can get my 20 years. God Bless the USA. :flag::flag::flag::flag:

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:flag: Thank you to all our veterans past and present and bless our troops over seas. :flag:


RIP CPL. Arthur F. Piper, U.S. Army

(Grandpa, Gramps, Harry, Buzzard)

Nov. 8, 1928 - Sept. 8, 2005

Korean War Veteran :flag::(

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to my and our freedom. We should never get complacent or take it for granted the fact that we are a free country. Thanks to all, God Bless America and Support Our Troops.


R.I.P Colonel Jack C Hunter (Grandfather)

USAF 34yrs

B-17, B-42 pilot SAC

Served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam


R.I.P Lt Commander Gene F Guerin (Grandfather)

U.S. Navy 14rs/ Merchant Marine

Aboard U.S.S Colorado at Pearl Harbor left at 0500 that morning and escaped the wrath of bombers

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I too wanted to thank all the military members on here aswell. As a SSgt in the Air Force I can say that I have been out there with all you and seen the blood and sweat and tears that the rest of you have seen. After 10 years I'm about to reenlist for 6 more so that I can get my 20 years. God Bless the USA. :flag::flag::flag::flag:




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