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Congrats On The New Site Moderator


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I thought it was psoted that if interested PM admin and they would send you an aplication and then we would vote. Thats what was said a few weks ago when the moderator thread first showed up. I sent a PM and they never sent out applications so i dunno.


Congrats y'all :cheers:


:withstupid: , I started the thread suggesting we needed more mods, PM'ed sk_josh and told him I would also like an application, but never got one or even a response.


Anyway, congrats guys!

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Congrats Shuan, Dave and Kevin :cheers:


So for moderators we have the cop, the bodyguard and special forces operative :wtf:


Hope none of us screw up that bad :jester:


Now that was funny ..... :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


Thanks for all the well wishes ... I'm glad that I can now assist and continue to uphold the quality of this forum....

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As of now, there is no exact process of how we picked the new moderators or how to apply to become one. At this point i'm not at liberty to discuss how we made our decisions or why we chose who we chose. I will say that we are working on a formal process for the future. I personally would like to thank everyone that was interested and threw there hat into the pot. It was very much noted an appreciated. This was by no means a popularity contest or something where we only allow our "friends" to be site staff members. I don't want to think the process of picking the new moderators was unfair because it was fair, just not made public. Thank you all again for your understanding and remember while we are here to make this site great, we are also people and not perfect.


the point is this Josh. even if admin already know hwo they are going to pick you should extend the courtesy in giivng everyone who wants to be a mod equal opportunity. Sk_Josh himself stated in that thread we would each get an application and take it from there. I feel like I atleast deserve the application promised even if i'm not even in the running thats all so atleast i feel like i was considered for a site i support and some of us didnt even get a response and then boom new mods. WTF??

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the point is this Josh. even if admin already know hwo they are going to pick you should extend the courtesy in giivng everyone who wants to be a mod equal opportunity. Sk_Josh himself stated in that thread we would each get an application and take it from there. I feel like I atleast deserve the application promised even if i'm not even in the running thats all so atleast i feel like i was considered for a site i support and some of us didnt even get a response and then boom new mods. WTF??



I understand your point and where you are coming from and i'm sorry that you feel the way you do. Like i said, we are working on a better process for next time. My apologies again.

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Congrats Shuan, Dave and Kevin :cheers:


So for moderators we have the cop, the bodyguard and special forces operative :wtf:


Hope none of us screw up that bad :jester:



HA! that was quick thinking :crackup:


Having more mods will just make this site that much better. Thanks for the welcome.

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the point is this Josh. even if admin already know hwo they are going to pick you should extend the courtesy in giivng everyone who wants to be a mod equal opportunity. Sk_Josh himself stated in that thread we would each get an application and take it from there. I feel like I atleast deserve the application promised even if i'm not even in the running thats all so atleast i feel like i was considered for a site i support and some of us didnt even get a response and then boom new mods. WTF??

:withstupid: , I am with ya Brad. Every other forum that I have been a part of has held public nominations and voting. Remember, moderators should be representatives of the website as a whole, selected as the best candidates by the members themselves! Not by the other moderators/admin for whatever other reasons in private! I am not saying that I don't support Krambo, Stitches, or usabodyuard, because they are great guys and awesome members...but this should be a public nomination and voting process, not a closed doors sealed deal!! I feel as though I have been a member long enough and a more than generous supporter to have a part in selecting a new moderating team.

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chill out.

If you really want to be a mod for christmas I would PM Josh or Holty and do this in private, I bet things could work out if you handle it a little differently, you have been here long enough I bet it was an over sight.

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Wow, it will be 4yrs this coming March that I've been on here, where did the time go? I also work on websites and for a very large and known web hosting company. : )


Congrats guys, hope we can still keep the peace in here, most other sites dont have that.

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I'm just here to lend a hand, keep the piece, and torture leftcoast_chevy :devil:


naw, just kiddin' Z!




no worries on me... im not power hungry... only in my truck!


I KNEW IT! freakin dave gets promoted, and i get the Censored.gif end of the stick

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