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Took Out A Rcsb Srt-10 With My Vho


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Good Kill! I'm in the same position as you, small town and lots of people wanting to run. I might go 1 out of 10 times, but I killed a SRT-10 in my VHO a few months ago (check earlier posts) because the guy behind the wheel didn't know how to handle the power. The reg. cabs are all stick and the guy I was racing didnt throw it into second very quick, so I surged on him. Some clown in a hemi durango was giving the business at a stoplight yesterday, and instead of running to 110 or 120, I stomped his ass to about 65, and backed off. Next light he didn't even look over at me - must have heard me laughing my ass off. Be careful out there and have a Merry Christmas!



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Good kill. But still kinda shitty in my books to set the guy up. If he had done something to piss you off would be one thing, but just for the sake of doing it... Imagine how pissed you would be if he had done that to you. ;)


Truth is when I gave him the head nod at the second stop sign I didnt realize the cop was there. It was just before we launched that I noticed the cop sitting there because I took a quick look, but by then it was too late because the SRT-10 took off.

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