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Spare Change


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In elementary school we had an old Polish janitor named Joe Fink. All the kids teased him because of his name. Also, the kids would all roll pennies and nickles down the hall just to watch him chase them. Everyone thought it was great fun to make the crazy old man chase pennies. :D Years later I got a part-time job at that school working with the janitors and that crazy old man was still there. He said he made about $5000.00 a year extra chasing those pennies! Guess he wasn't so crazy after all. :dunno:

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Thats no sh*t man, my parents always threw their pennies in those folgers/whatever brand coffee filter pack boxes for years and years. They finally got sick of it laying around so they gave it to my little sister. Wasn't I pissed when she rolled a little over $1000 in pennies!!

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I never spend my change, I always use dollar bills. It drives my wife crazy, she always likes to have the exact amount when purchasing something? Anyhow, I keep my change in a emtpy water bottle. Ive never filled it, but about once a year I role up the change and usually have between $700 to $1000 saved.

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i gotta buddy that has a 5 gallon water jug halfway full of ALL silver change....no pennies......he used to have alot of little candy machines at various places when he was younger.....its now well over 3 grand in that water jug......he says its for a "rainy day" haha

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i gotta buddy that has a 5 gallon water jug halfway full of ALL silver change....no pennies......he used to have alot of little candy machines at various places when he was younger.....its now well over 3 grand in that water jug......he says its for a "rainy day" haha

would a rainy day call for a maggie :D

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wow, thats alot of change. i had been throwing all my change into a huge container for years, ended up filling 4 buckets and breaking two of them lol. and no bank would take them, had to roll every single coin into a roll :banghead: that was horrible

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I built a house 2 years ago for some folks that saved their change in the biggest glass bottle I've ever seen. They decided once the house was built, they'd take it to the bank, and buy a flat screen with what ever they had in it.


They brought the bottle to the bank, and the employees laughed as they put the big jar up to the change counter, and started dumping it in. They got about halfway done, and the change machine broke. They all laughed, and said they'd count it up, and give them a call once they got the total and they could pick up the cash.


The next day, they got the call. So, they climbed into the car, and went to the bank. Got there, and the bank VP handed them an envelope with $800+ in it, and another envelope with 3 - 9mm shells, and some small cow magnets. The VP smiled and told them they had jammed up the machine but they have a service contract with the counter company, and there wouldn't be any charge.


He did ask if they'd be a little more careful about emptying out their pockets into the change jar though.

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