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I've had a ridiculous amount of trouble with my ss. I had the gauge cluster issue some time ago. I got it replaced. I think it's crapping out again. Then I got the rear passenger window issue. I haven't even tried fixing that. More recently I acquired the "clunk". Then my windshield cracked just driving down the road, not following anyone or going under anything mind you. And yesterday I had the joy of walking out to my truck and realizing some jack@$$ thought it would be a good idea to attempt to pry my SS badges off of my passenger side. Anyways... it looks like they tried it with some mildly sharp blunt object (oxymoron??)because all they accomplished was BREAKING MY BADGES and SCRATCHING the HELL out of my PAINT!! Sweet! Good times!!! This crap happened in Iowa of all places. Nobody touched my truck when I lived in Tacoma. I'm sure my badges would have looked great on their (hypothetical) teal '93 S-10 if only they could have gotten them off. Sorry. I just had to vent to some that may be somewhat sympathetic to my truck and my sanity. Good day to all.

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These Iowa people are crazy! Ive had a few dings and scratches from people hitting me in parking lots....do u think they cared to stop and get things settled out.....nope. Now I park in Timbuktu whenever I go anywhere

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well in all honesty I wouldn't be all surprised with college up there. I have some friends going to college up there in Ames and I've never been there but I'm sure my truck would be a bad target up there. Sorry for all your troubles man but don't worry everything will get better and one day you'll look back and laugh about it. keep your head up, the SS Silverado is a stong truck and it will always be there for you

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Did anyone else get a notice in the mail about the gauge cluster? There's been an update that you can get through the dealership for free, and they will reimburse you for past fixes if you had to do it out of pocket.


As far as Iowa is concerned, just get yourself out of college town and you'll be fine. Drive a 1200 dollar beater for college and leave the SSS at home, or take your chances.

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Many thanks to all for your support. It is appreciated. As far as leaving my truck at home is concerned, I graduated two years ago but I still live and work in the area. This is my home and my SS is my only ride so I guess I'm stuck with immature college idiots for the time being.

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hey if you need I can e-mail you the letter to get your cluster fixed & reimbursed.


sucks to hear about your truck though, that doesn't suprise me here in Iowa or anywhere for that fact. I'm paranoid on shit like that, I'm glad my trucks locked safely in my garage!!!



WOOOHOOO look at all these Iowa SS trucks coming in here!!! We need the weather to warm up so we can have a get together

Edited by yttaf (see edit history)
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Dude that sucks. Some one tought it would be funny to slam a shopping cart on the side of my truck and actually left a pretty big scar on the passenger side door, and I think i feel something like you right now nothing but problems but not the truck it's self. Hang in their. :cheers:

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