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Stolen Trucks


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"On your passenger side rear wall just behind the rear seats is an air bag escape...So that if your air bags deploy and the cab is sealed the windows won't blow out...If the thin rubber like seal on them is punctured or missing it will make noise like all hell...You gotta remove the rear seats but it's a likely cause.."


Now I always knew these as cabin pressure relief valves, but I have never thought of the whole air bag deployment pressure issue and blowing out windows!! :eek: WOW!!! They always say to learn something new each day.... May I leave work and go back home now? LOL!!! :troll:

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damn that sucks man but atleast u still have the truck right?


Offtopic: we're having another meet in April u should try to make it down and meet up with the rest of the SoCal natives.


here's the link: http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/index.ph...=41904&st=0



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On your passenger side rear wall just behind the rear seats is an air bag escape...So that if your air bags deploy and the cab is sealed the windows won't blow out...If the thin rubber like seal on them is punctured or missing it will make noise like all hell...You gotta remove the rear seats but it's a likely cause


Thanks I'll try that.

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sorry to hear about that, im right there with you. on monday night my truck got broken into at my work. this was at the Cerritos Best Buy in LA county. they removed the driver side key hole and got in and removed the covers around the steering column and tried to take it. thank god they didn't but this just sucks.

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Wow many, sorry to hear this. Why did it take so long for them to fix the truck? That seems like a ridiculous amount to time, got pics?


I remember when the SS was being targeted 2 or 3 years ago. I didn't know this was still going on, or did this just start back up again? I would be crushed if mine were to get stolen.

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...I remember when the SS was being targeted 2 or 3 years ago. I didn't know this was still going on, or did this just start back up again?...

I think we are seeing the tip of the spear on this; the housing/living/economic situation in Socal and Stockton are really bad, and I think people are getting desperate so all kinds of burglary/theft are on the rise there and it will continue for at least the next year until the whole slowed economy rights itself. Suddenly a $500 mall/work beater is looking like a pretty good idea. :sigh: F'n theives. :mad:


Mr. P.

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It really pisses me off that some people are like this.... we work hard to have these toys but it's getting to where we can't even drive them any where... I finally cleaned out my garage this past weekend so i can finally park it inside

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