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Modded S4 Gets Busted....


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That was me last sunday in El Cajon, CA near my house...I just got done picking up 3 90lb bags of concrete, 4 4"x4" posts, and about 15 dog ear fence boards.....

I was in the Home Depot parking lot and saw that Audi hauling ass up and down that street...with a loud ass turbo

I told my wife (who was in the truck) to hurry up and shut the door....she gave me that look

I pulled out and flashed the guy my brights....he came down to where I was and I asked if he wanted to run em.....

We lined up,honked 3 times....and the rest is om the video

I was hoping it would make it on you tube

Edited by SD619SS (see edit history)
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Owned! Getting beat by a 5300 pound truck now thats priceless!

It was funny because all those guys standing there were all in awe over the Audi (beforeI showed up)....I think theres a German performance shop there...anyways After I broke him off I just left like we never even raced....with all the stuff in the bed

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