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So How Would You Handle This?


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Calm, cool, collected, courteous and polite wins the day, every day. Don't get heated and argue, just take your ticket and then make him prove his allegations in court. Remember, you're innocent until proven guilty. You got out of a ticket because you stayed calm and respectful. Remember too that for every polite person a police officer meets, he has probably already come across 250 jackasses that shift alone. The Z driver being a good example.

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I think you handled the situation the best way possible. I don't know what the Z driver was thinkin though cause where Im from the fine for drag racing is way worse then the fine for just a speeding ticket, so that is just stupid to try and convince the officer that you were racing.


That's what I was thinking. Racing here will cost you more points and $$$ as well.


Like someone pointed out, I think the officer was trying to get me to slip up...or something of that nature.

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What happened to the Z car?


I can only imagine he got a ticket of some kind. I didn't stick around. When the officer gave me back my license & reg and told me to be on my way, I was. He was heading back to his patrol car as I gave him an earful of heavy-footed Corsa Sport note. :D

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I am Scared off Cop's! :(


There may be good ones, But I have had to many lie to my face, and it's your word against theres! U get a helpless feeling. They might jus shoot me sometime? and cover it up! :confused: LOL


So after a few close calls,lol, I quit getting mouthy! Let them Lie, take the ticket, and fight it formally.



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It was a setup,the z driver is probably a cop too.I have heard of this happening to other people before. cop following a sports car,sports car is bait and cops are looking for takers,they pull you both over,give you a ticket(not in your case),and go find someone else.It's :icon_bs:

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It was a setup,the z driver is probably a cop too.I have heard of this happening to other people before. cop following a sports car,sports car is bait and cops are looking for takers,they pull you both over,give you a ticket(not in your case),and go find someone else.It's :icon_bs:



Exactly what I was thinking. Usually there is a backup for pulling one car over, now this cop pulls two cars over and it is only him? Sounds like a set up to me. The Z was actually his backup.

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It was a setup,the z driver is probably a cop too.I have heard of this happening to other people before. cop following a sports car,sports car is bait and cops are looking for takers,they pull you both over,give you a ticket(not in your case),and go find someone else.It's :icon_bs:



Exactly what I was thinking. Usually there is a backup for pulling one car over, now this cop pulls two cars over and it is only him? Sounds like a set up to me. The Z was actually his backup.



watched this on the news... there were at the time using a blue 300z and a sc'ed mustang as bait..and reported there will be many more undercover street cars in the future. (repod' street racers, already built) anyone who pays slight attention to these gets the cherries.


think you almost got duked into a ticket, just be thankfull you didnt stand on it :cheers:

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Well I don't know how it is up in Alaska, but in the state of Georgia, it is illegal for an unmarked unit to perform traffic duties. A police unit has to have reflective markings on the side of the vehicle visible for 500 ft. It definitely sounds like a setup to me. If you do get a ticket like that, take it to court, the officer saw nothing, he just heard it from the other driver. That is automatic grounds for dismissal.

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Man, I can see why you would be pissed, I would be as well. I got pulled over going 5mph in a public park just because I revved my engine and the cop said I was giong 40. WTF???? He never did give me an answer as to how he had me clocked at 40, all he did was yell and scream at me and refused to show me the proof he had that I was actually going that fast.

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