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Fastest In A Silverado SS???


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With a speedo that only goes to 120....how do you guys know you did 125,135? Just a little confused.

The Diablo Predator reprogrammer will give your speed as you go down the road. Mine shows about 2 miles an hour less than the SS speedometer. ;)

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Adams, can you light up the tires on the truck with your mods?

Light them up, no, but I can get a pretty good screach out of them. Especially on the track. Last time at the track I couldn't go around the water pit so I had to roll through it, I hit the throttle half way and screached them pretty good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ran 120 +- a little. The diablo tune has a limit at 160, but it bogged at 120, gotta look into that, or just take it easy at 120 :D

I installed my Diablo Sport two weeks ago. Yesterday I finally got the speed limiter programmed to 125. How did you get yours to go to 160?? Mine bar graph stops at 125. I tried it out this morning and got it up to 123 on the Diablo screen. I live in a rural area. It might have hit 125 but the screen is small and things happen quick at this speed. ;)

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