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Gas This Weekend


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This weekend, my girlfriend and I went up to her parents' house in central New Hampshire for a cookout. We had to stop at the store to get some food on the way and on the backside of the receipt was a coupon for 10 cents per gallon off at a nearby gas station. We drive by and she notices that 93 is $3.99. So of course, we turned around and filled up. I never thought I would be happier filling up at $3.89 per gallon.


Down here in the city the low end stations are at $4.09 for 93 and for the better ones, they are still over $4.45 on average.


Have the prices dropped in your areas?

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Don't know the exact numbers, but they are dropping locally, and dropping significantly. They are under $4/gal for all grades of gasoline now.


Must be nice. In AK we are enjoying the highest statewide average in the Nation! :wtf:

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3.87 (chevron)for 93 here and dropping.


I passed by a wal-mart and the price was 3.58 regular, and if you use a gift card they take off 10Cents per gallon, not sure how much the 93 cost their tho.


Seems like everthings cheaper in Texas :cheers: excpet for power that is. Anyway here premium 92 octane is $4.49 on avg.

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I saw $3.58 Saturday outside of Lexington and around $3.65 in Lexington for the cheap stuff. Prices are coming down but not fast enough. They go up fast but never come down at the same speed. Oil is ready to crash. We're the largest cosumer of oil in the world and people are driving less and buying less. $4 a gallon gas hurts everybody.

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we are down to 3.83 a gallon for regular and 3.99 for midgrade (which i use) and 4.19 for premium. This is pretty good for Oregon, we west coasters always have the highest gas except alaska( sorry guys). Where i live is some of the cheapest in oregon

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