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So Some Low-life Keyed My Ss


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gmperformanceguyPosted Aug 21 2008, 01:52 PM where in the northeast are ya? we should form a posse and have us a lynchin. i'm game :mad:


time to show we dont take lightly to them. I ran a biker off the road and into the woods who tried to steal my truck. Now we just need a rear wheel drive SS and put his head inches next to the rear tires and have a smoke show :lol: . hed shat his pants prolly and :cry: for mommy or daddy.

:omg: so don't get on your bad side. :confused:

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Just cant stand vandals and car thieves. I was thinking about getting a :M16: in case of another attempt to steal my SS, Im sure the results wouldnt be good though and I like my clean record.

Someone I know ran over some guy a couple of times for hitting on his girlfriend, but they confiscated his truck for evidence. So I recomend not using the vehicle to give these people love taps.

I dont have a badside unless someone messes with my truck, dog or mother...

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Sorry to hear that man, It hurts to see it. A few weeks ago I was drive home, and somebody throw two eggs at me. I did not see them, but your should see the paint damage $500 to repaint the bed panel, and no punishment for them. It was 2:30 in the morning and the local cops told me they had better things to do...... Nice Right.

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I'm sorry, that's weak.



Ya I dont know the circumstances, just know that happened. But thats why I never would challenge people out here, there are some serious nut cases.

Best of luck to you Phreak.

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