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Have A Question Guys.


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This morning I had an errand to do before work so I took the highway instead of the back roads. I was in the left lane (four lane), behind a Corvette and we were having a grand old time, not racing or anything, just enjoying our cars. Then he gets off the highway and I'm still going and I pass this black car, which I knew was a cop as soon as I came up on it but too late. She gets behind me and I'm waiting for the lights but nothing. She tailed me for about two miles without turning on the lights, sirens or even telling me to pull over with the bullhorn. So I kept driving along ignoring her and then she pulled to the right and got off the highway. So I'm wondering, is she going to send me a ticket in the mail or was she just trying to give me a hard time but was off duty or something?

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IMHO, chances are you have nothing to worry about. She probably thought maybe you were speeding a little, ran your plate, came back with no issues and figured she would let you go or maybe she got a call about something more important and you got lucky.



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I don't know how thing work in Mass. but I have never go a ticket in the mail for a traffic violation. The only way that i know of that they can give you a ticket by mail is if a plane radar caught you speeding and there were not cops present at the time. The cop was probably just running the info on your truck just to make sure it wasn't stolen and to see if you would give them another reason to pull you over.

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IMHO, chances are you have nothing to worry about. She probably thought maybe you were speeding a little, ran your plate, came back with no issues and figured she would let you go or maybe she got a call about something more important and you got lucky.



I agree. They were just running your plate, and you came back clean. Maybe Shuan (Stitches040) can confirm...

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As everyone else has stated, you don't have anything to worry about. Being a police scanner owner, I monitor the Mass. State Police frequencys alot. Many a times you can hear an off duty officer following someone who is "driving eratically". Meaning cutting people off, using all lanes, high rate of speed, using the breakdown lane to pass other drivers, ect., ect., ect., From what you described, you were not "driving eratically".

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Mass state troopers don't play that game. If they want to pull you over, they will pull you over. Did she run your plate? Most definitely. I wouldn't worry about a thing though. I'm guessing she ran and paced you and you came up clean. You might have been moving fast but not alot faster than the rest of the traffic.


Next time, don't sit in the left lane too long though. Troopers can pull you over for travelling in the left lane for over a mile. It's the passing lane. If you're in it for a mile or more, you're travelling. Even if you are passing other cars. Don't move over the second they get behind you, but play it smart.


Which highway were you on and what time of day?

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Next time, don't sit in the left lane too long though. Troopers can pull you over for travelling in the left lane for over a mile. It's the passing lane. If you're in it for a mile or more, you're travelling.


That's no joke... I have 2 points on my license right now for 'failure to keep right'...


Damn teenagers.

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I was lucky on 495 once, officer didnt roll me when I should have been. Just looked in my rearview while in the left lane and there he was.


the staties can be relentless on 495. especially the Marlborough stretch.

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Next time, don't sit in the left lane too long though. Troopers can pull you over for travelling in the left lane for over a mile. It's the passing lane. If you're in it for a mile or more, you're travelling. Even if you are passing other cars. Don't move over the second they get behind you, but play it smart.



That's no joke... I have 2 points on my license right now for 'failure to keep right'...

Thanks for the info guys! I've got a question tho, does this happen on three lane high ways or just two lane? My wife travels on the section of Rt. 24 that is olny two lanes, then gets onto Rt. 140 which is also only two lanes, and usually she is always in the left hand lane, regadless if she is passing anyone. She hasn't been puled over for it tho.

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