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Well, Saturday is the big day. Ill be getting married at 6:00pm. Im actually really excited and not nervous at all....yet. (Im sure that will probably change by Friday.) Ive been with the young lady off and on for about 5 years. We told each other that if it didnt work this time that it was the last time, period(not saying Im doing this because I have to, that is NOT the case at all). We've been together for a little over 2 years this time and have been engaged for almost a year. I cant see myself with anyone else now. Im always up for words of wisdom and advice from more experienced(notice I didnt say 'older' :thumbs:) married people. So, you guys got any advice for me?





P.S. Heres a pic of my fiance and I the night of our engagement:

















Just kidding...lol congrats Ben


congrats man!! i'm young and i've only been married 2 years so i don't have alot of advice but i can tell you that patience plays an important role. congrats again :cheers:


Congrats Ben! :cheers:
























My advise..........don't let the wife drive the SSS! :jester:


Congrats man! Marriage is tough and don't let anyone tell you it is not. It takes a lot of communication and trust on both sides. I have been married for 10 years and see another 10 years coming, but not without it's ups and downs. Be there for each other and support each other, but also make time for yourself. You both need your own time so don't get mad if she wants to hang with the girls and make sure she understands you need time with the guys. Best of luck! :cheers:


Congrats...marriage is all good so long as your both ready. IMO you two seem pretty young, so I'd say enjoy life and eachother, do and go as you both please, just have fun, and along the way get financially secure (home, etc, etc), finish school if you haven't, and wait at least 3-5yrs before having kids, just my .02 :cheers: Good luck.














Just kidding...lol congrats Ben




congrats man


After 32 years of marriage and 35 years with the same woman I guess I'm qualified to give a little advice----RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!! :jester:


Really just kidding. Marriage has it's ups and downs just like anything. My only advice would be to treat her like you'd like to be treated or better and don't expect her to change just because you're married. My wife is still my best friend after all these years. We have our seperate interests and allow each other to pursue them. We also try to make sure there's time for us to pursue our common interests. Time together is great usually but you have to have time to yourself. I don't believe any 2 people can be together 24/7 and get along always. So next time you want to hang out with the guys just remember that she may want to hang out with the girls sometimes.


Congrats and good luck. Hope it works out for you. :cheers:


Well, so far, We've both landed decent paying jobs, have a house, and I have finished school. There will be no kids for ATLEAST 3-5 years so we can have time to grow up a lil bit more.



Just kidding...lol congrats Ben

my thoughts exactly! lol congrats man. hapily ever after :D

Well, so far, We've both landed decent paying jobs, have a house, and I have finished school. There will be no kids for ATLEAST 3-5 years so we can have time to grow up a lil bit more.


:cheers: Sounds like your off to a good start :cheers:

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