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This Is What Happens When Ur Minding Your Own Buissness


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Sitting for work last Thursday in my truck and drinking my coffee and before you know it i was rearended. My head smashed the windshield and my coffee blew up in hand. I was parked on the side of a main road in a legit parking spot with the truck off in park!!! He hit me prob going 40 without hitting the brakes i didnt hear anything. He told the cop he was looking for a cigarette. So now my truck is totaled because he bent the frame. He hit me with a 1994 integra piece of cra p. He didnt even care was like ooo im sorry. So now my back hurts and going to the doctors and probally going to sue him. But here is pics of the truck!!







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that idiot proly didn't realize what kinda truck he hit.

most likely though oh its just a 1500, not a bmw so i'll be straight.


i say get alllll the money you can from that moron.


sorry about the accident man.

and i hope your back don't get ya too bad.

best of luck.

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Andy, whatever you do, do not sign papers saying you will not sue him later on (years later) due to injury. I was in a bad accident, and 5 years after my accident I have 3 herniated discs in my back, 2 bulging, 5 fractures in my neck and tmj in my jaw (my jaw muscle is about to tear in half almost). I also cannot afford another concussion according to the drs. All I can say is that my ex-best freind was driving at the time, but he literally disabled me for life, however I refuse to live off govt paychecks. Now my freind goes around badmouthing me on how I sued him. Talk about a sore loser. Make sure you get checked out thoroughly, and even if you feel the smallest pain get in the drs office. I was in the accident at 17, I am 24 and can only work 3 days a week (landscaping) due to severe nerve damage.


And also, never get an attorney involved. I was offered 24grand the night of my accident, didnt take it and wound up with only 12 grand with an attorney. Then again, this was my situation and everyones is different. Hope your back is holding up buddy, I know back pain its with me 24/7 and no surgical options. Yes, I am one big walking medical mess......

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