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Holy... Crap!


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OK so I was in a hurry :blush: Gawd I've been living in the sticks too long, I had no idea undercover LEO units are driving Ford Fusions now, a little factoid I was introduced to this the hard way this morning.


I was waiting in a left-hand turn lane, second in a line of cars at a red stoplight; we are all waiting to hang a left onto a 6-lane divided highway here in downtown Denton. After the required eternal wait the signal turns green, and the lead car ahead of me, a white Ford Fusion, proceeds at a crawl turning wide and making his way into the right-hand lane so I take the center lane and stab the throttle :driving: The truck instantly kicks down from 3rd into 1st and we're up on the converter tach blasting 5-grand and by the time I've hammered into 2nd the white Ford Fusion is on my ass lit up like a christmas tree with full siren blaring :noway: I'm like half-laughing and saying to myself OMG that was a cop?! So I (we) find a safe place to pullover, and two well-dressed-in-blue gents come up to each door of the truck asking for license & insurance. Handing over my license the officer informs me it's expired (!) as well as showing my old address in Stephenville. I can't find any proof of insurance in the glovebox to show them (don't worry officer I'm well insured really!), the registration sticker is overdue by almost a year, and the safety inspection sticker is coming on 2 years out of date. Don't forget the license plate on the truck says SSPEDN, and I'm certain that WOT blast of Corsa at his ear must have made an impression.


He looks at me with 1/2 a smirk saying "You know why I pulled you over?..." With a half-nervous laugh and a shoulder shrug I answer, "Yeah... Being stupid!" It was funny in the moment, I guess you had to be there. Honesty and charm go a long way every time so no write-ups :thumbs:


Still keep an eye out for those murdered-out white Ford Fusions! :smash:


Mr. P. :)

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only in america the tickets are given to import drivers :D



i definitly disagree because the cops around me beat me down for a variety of things if i let my shit expire 1 day id be ticketed id definitly have to go with the saying that nice guys finish last thats why i get the shit end of the stick all the time

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i definitly disagree because the cops around me beat me down for a variety of things if i let my shit expire 1 day id be ticketed id definitly have to go with the saying that nice guys finish last thats why i get the shit end of the stick all the time
I'm surprised I haven't been pulled over thinking it was you. :crackup: I didn't know they had unmarked Fusions either.


Steve, Do we need to have a talk about the out of date stickers? :wtf::jester:

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I know in Houston, Boston, and LA undercover cops have Hayabusa crotch rockets to catch speeders. Now haveing a fast car is one thing like the dodge chargers for cops, but I think it crosses the line of necessity to have a Hayabusa for a chase imo....they get the Hayabusa's from drug seizures of property or repoed property.


Man you are one lucky duck. If that happened out here, they would have slammed me with every single possible thing wrong just to wring some more money of out me. And then some more ....

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