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Got Spanked By On 09 Viper


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I was on my way home from work this afternoon, so I was rockin the daily, when an 09 Viper with dealer tags starts ridin my bumper. I speed up enough to put some distance between us but I guess he thought that was me wanting to race. Either that or he thought he just needed to pick on someone in his new toy. As the highway cleared he pulled in the lane next to me and starts reving. I gave him the wtf look but still he persisted. So I figured what the hell, may as well have an idea of how bad it would be. I slowed down to about 25 and shifted into second put in to the floor and put about a half a foot on him. lol. Then as we where getting through the gears he started pulling pretty strong on me in fourth. Ran it up to about 140mph and gave up when i was about 3 cars behind. So I lost.... Not as bad as I thought though. My best time so far was a 13.1, so I'm guessing he had an 11ish sec car??

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Good run evne though you were expecting to lose. I ran a viper a while back with my GTX I had and ran only a 12.94. The viper beat me a little worse than that, like maybe 4-5 car lengths. But we were going like 30 and ran up to about 120. Then when we caught up, he chuckled and said he started in third and just shifted to fourth...so yeah, a mid 11sec car vs a 13.0 car should put well over 10 lengths on it had he started in first or second in his power band. Good run and if he chose not to downshift, thats his fault. Maybe he started in a higher gear like mine did? I have caught some cocky vettes by surprise with the SS like that. They think "its only a truck" and will race without downshifting, trying to run me in 4th or even overdrive, getting their a$$ really handed to them. Then they get all serious and select the right gear and still get beat most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think you lucked out on getting him to race.... a lot of times, in the civic, most american cars wont race me till hey hear the bov.... most of the time i expect to lose, but its a 60/40 chance and i usually dont expect to win.... i dont normally race to win, i enjoy taunting people just to see what the other guys got... lol


great job by keeping it within a good distance, vipers are serious machines if put in good hands!

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well like i said i knew i didnt have a shot but you always what to know how close (or far) you would do with any car. really though he wanted to race me.... I guess he was the typical older guy with money, just looking for a sure win. I'm sure I surprised him a bit. I guess he figured by looking at my car that I was the typical ricer. Granted the only thing that you can visibly see on my car (from the exterior) that isn't stock are the wheels and exhaust.


My car is for the most part stock, but I do get branded just like the other imports as a ricer just because it is an import. 92 Eagle Talon AWD with minor mods.... Still it's nice to run down new GT mustangs and Z28's with my $3,000 turd :D

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I had a run in with a yellow Viper and "lost" so don't feel too bad. He did the same and rode my bumper for a good mile and when we got to a strait stretch, he darted out to pass me. I bit and floored it from about 45MPH. He slowly got around me by about 110-120. The funny thing was that he put his blinker on to let me know he was coming back into the correct lane. I guess he was nervous that he might hit me :rolleyes: From a dig, I am sure I would have had him to about 100 or a little better however trying to match a Viper from 45MPH in an AWD truck isn't the best bet to make...I don't care if your truck can do 10's. A new Viper will win in the top end just about every time against a full sized street truck (especially over 100mph).

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