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Hows The Economy Doing In Your Area?


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Just wondering how the economy is doing around the counrty?


Well it seems to be slowing done just a bit here in montana. nobody has been laid off were i work so i guess thats a good thing. but the company i work for is definitely cutting back on extra cost. Its not something im losing sleep about or anything but it does come across my mind every now and again. Just this week the biggest mining company of palladium and platinum in montana laid off 20% of there works about 600 employees. Im not try to get anybody down. just kinda wondering what else is going on around the country? just remember to keep your head up.

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Just wondering how the economy is doing around the counrty?


Well it seems to be slowing done just a bit here in montana. nobody has been laid off were i work so i guess thats a good thing. but the company i work for is definitely cutting back on extra cost. Its not something im losing sleep about or anything but it does come across my mind every now and again. Just this week the biggest mining company of palladium and platinum in montana laid off 20% of there works about 600 employees. Im not try to get anybody down. just kinda wondering what else is going on around the country? just remember to keep your head up.


well i live in michigan.... need i say more... the home of the automakers...that are all failing...all my friends are gettin laid off from gm or there suppliers or already laid off. and most of them will be loosing there house's over the winter being theres NO JOBS in michigan so there leaving state trying to find something




but other then that just peachy...lol

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I am in the HVAC/Plumbing trade, and my dad's company is still running strong. We haven't had to lay off any employee's, we have 60 employee's. However, the other mechanical contractors are having to lay guys off. We are fortunate enough to have a strong sales and estimating team which helps us stay busy regardless of the economy. However, we are having to bid a lot of out of town jobs, which is just fine. The 2.00/gallon gas is helping ALOT.


The Bobcat plant is laying off a ton of guys, in ND the majority of Bobcats are produced here.

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Well dudes out here in cali it isn't that bad for myself. But there are days that I don't touch a single damn car! I work in the sams club tire shop, last week I worked two whole shifts without even working on a car. But as long as there cars on the road I should be fine right. Then there are days were Iam stummped over with sales and cars, so its up and down.And working for the countrys wealthyst company isn't bad. As long as walmart and waltons don't loose there mind and money I should be ok. But I know there are some people out there struggling with the situation and I wish the best of luck to them.

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things are slowing down with most companies I think. Even my company is slowing down some I guess. People have to have health insurance but our stock is down because the market is down so no bonus next year and that sucks. I feel alright in my job I guess since my co-worker retired this year and I picked up her work and they keep giving me more to do. That is good because I'm like one of a few people who do what I do plus they look at me like an expert on the software we use and I'm not paid out the ass like some in my company. did I mention I do reporting for 5 or 6 states out of the 13 we are in? I'm still worried though with things so damn bad. My eBay business has really went down hill. I usually do around $1k per month is sales but I've only has around $300 in sales this month. I doubt I buy any mods or toys any time soon. I like having a little cushion in the bank.

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well i live in michigan.... need i say more... the home of the automakers...that are all failing...all my friends are gettin laid off from gm or there suppliers or already laid off. and most of them will be loosing there house's over the winter being theres NO JOBS in michigan so there leaving state trying to find something




but other then that just peachy...lol

Well, whoever the last person to leave Michigan is - please turn out the lights. (old joke)


Mr. P. :)

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It's our slow time of the year in the car business. But, it's down a little more than usual. some days are good, some not. People aren't spending money on repairs unless they absolutely have to. We're cutting back here on some of the little perks. They used to have a Thanksgiving luncheon catered for all employees, it's been cancelled this year. Some people are moaning about that, but if it means a free lunch or my job, I'll take my job. We're running short handed in parts, and will be until things pick up. So, that means more Satudays, but I'm just thankfull to have a job.


It will get better. Eventually.

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The thing that's hurting me is the downturn in the real estate market. When I remarried last November, I moved down to New Jersey. My house in Long Island has been on the market since April 2007. I've lowered the price $50K since then, and still no takers. Paying for and maintaining 2 homes is killing me. I don't want to rent it, because I want to sell as soon as a buyer comes along. Can't win...

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I'm in Michigan and the rats are fleeing the sinking ship. All I can say is no matter how much distaste I have for Michael Moore, his film about the City of the Future - Flint, MI "Roger and Me" was such a time portal into the future of this country, its not even funny. Michigan had over 10million residents at the start of the millenium. They are projecting that Michigan will have lost up to 20% of its population bby the next 2010 census.


I'm in office equipment sales for Xerox and things are bleak for companies out there. Sometimes I feel guilty trying to sell $50,000+ of office and printing equipment to them when they are laying off hundreds etc. But business is business and when their lease expires on their equipment, they have to replace it in most cases with something, whether it be used or new.


I walked into probably what would be classified as a Tier 3 supplier parts manufacturer. I typically ask to speak with the CFO, CEO, or IT manager. I asked to speak with the IT manager and the front desk girl was polite, but got kind of quiet and teary eyed and said "Sir, we just let our entire IT department go last week..." She was serious too. I ended up meeting with the Director of Purchasing and she told me they let the entire department go. A couple of engineers were maintaining their network and email servers in between their daily duties. Unbelievable.


My fiance's father was let go after 14years from FORD in July. He has a Bach ME and MBA, he has had just one request for an interview since July. Submitted hundreds of resumes and even has a couple of head hunters working for him, one of which was paid by Ford to help place him. I tried telling him he might need to leave the state, but its a sensitive issue and he really doesnt want to leave. He just got done building their dream home on a lake near Fenton, MI.


I myself, I am happy to have job that has a high income potential and its showing. However, I cant wait to leave the state either through the Navy or the US Border Patrol. Speaking of which, I spoke with a recruiter friend of mine who said enlistments are going up. The Military is the only place alot of lower middle class folks can get financial relief right away. Pays better than McDonalds, has benefits, most cases have a signing bonus, but it could be dangerous at some point. It makes sense though. If you are 21-30ish years old with no college education and not alot of skills, and cat find a job, I can see why it might be an attractive alternative to some.

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...A couple of engineers were maintaining their network and email servers in between their daily duties. Unbelievable...

That's a recipie for *disaster*, think about it the entire internet flooded with pissed malcontent developers knowing most hurting companies cannot maintain proper network security. Children, can you say White Collar Crime?


My GF (laid-off the day after Obama was elected) went back to her old place of work yesterday to collect the rest of her personal things; she discovered that the day following her dismissal they also let go the receptionist and the office manager and their bookeeper of 20+ years (this is a private practice chiropractor's office). In fact they laid-off the guy that told her to leave (office manager). My personal opinion is that the owner of the practice had pre-decided several weeks before to downsize in the event that Obama was elected to office, because in this case the behavior seems to fit that theory. OTOH my gf has not had problems getting interviews and leads in her profession (massage therapy) so that's promising.


Your FIL is about to learn a harsh lesson the hard way with his dream home - that lesson being on the importance of CASH FLOW and that dream homes (in fact *any* home) never puts money in your pocket, in fact homes are a huge cash drain (negative cash flow) as you have to pay for upkeep & taxes & interest etc. He sounds like he's about to drown with a house chained around his neck.


And don't feel guilty servicing the companies still remaining, you should feel good in helping struggling companies do what they can to contain costs via used sales & leases etc etc. There is nothing wrong with helping others through a tough time. Just keep up your cash flow, keep working your accounts and make sure you got regular inflow of funds; right now is a good time to be in a niche service industry, the margins might not be as high as a luxury service industry but just keep the cash flowing. And do what you can to pick up more accounts even if they are piddly, as your competitors drop out over the next six months; more account activity = more cashflow. Everyone across the board is about to loose 10-30% of their business (sales) between now and this time next year including you unless you pick up more accounts. Right now do what you can to stay busy; don't make the same mistake as your FIL and discover one day you got no cash flow.


Mr. P.

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bottom line is that if people aren't making money, they aren't going to be spending money. its a chain reaction. if anyone remembers last black friday, it wasn't very "black". it all started about two years ago, and slowly got worse.


our freightliner dealer out here has been forced to work 7 a to 7 p from 7 a to 12:30 p, lots of jobs lost, even more people not spending.


happy holidays :cheers:

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Arizona is not doing too hot. We have one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation. There is a lot of big business here in the Phoenix area. I am in the pharmaceutical business so we have not see a decrease in revenue to speak of. Unfortunately people get sick and they need medication. One nice thing is gas is finally below the $2 mark which is cool.

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