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Can They Do Anything?


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I think, by the sounds of it... you're prolly not in the system. May be in a radio log, or something of the like, cause of the 'request for service' from the PD. Most cops will understand that the neighborhood watch people, can get well over zealous... as well as just reporting people that they 'don't like'. If the officers have not even approached you, you got nothing to worry about.

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I know here in Maryland when I run someones tags it does not show trespass crimes of tha nature....it does show traffic convictions. Maybe it is different in Texas? and to someones comment about police pulling you over just for a tag light out...that is correct...it is a legitamite reason to conduct a traffic stop and who knows who you are pulling over they could have a kilo sitting there or it could be someones grandma...also maryland has a public website site called maryland case search that you can look any adult who has been charged with a crime.


Just because you are or were charged with something does not mean you are guilty.

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I will say this, the cops will do anything and everything possible to pin you down on a stupid ass petty crime. It has happened to me before, and the judge laughed at the cops in court. All I have to say is watch your back and keep your ass cleaner than bleach. Ive known kid who have strip searched on the side of the road in public, long story short cops will do anything they want until the judge decides whats right.

I would not be surprised if they pull you over soon and just give you random ass dui tests, it may not be legal for them to do so if your not breaking any laws, but they do what they want end of story. And I am freinds with a cop and he even jokes about that stuff.

Id say you are in the system for sure, no question. Good thing is if your not guilty of the crimes, you got a serious law suit on your hands if they harrass you.


I know teenagers that have been brought into court for stealing car audio systems by breaking the drivers side glass, problem is my buddy did not have one shard of glass or cuts on his hands, unfortunatley word of mouth can cause problems from the plaintiff. Turns out they had fingerprints and they didnts match his, just something to think about bud. Cops here are slimeballs.


If I were you tell them to prosecute you to prove your innocence and confront that pos bastard who said you trespassed. You got nothing to lose if your not guilty.

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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aight thanks guys. by the sounds of it i doubt i'm really in the system since they didn't actually catch anyone in the act of the crime.


thankfully i don't drink so if i am in the system i can voluntarily be tested if they really wanna know.

but now i have peace of mind with it and thats what i was looking for so thanks very much.

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aight thanks guys. by the sounds of it i doubt i'm really in the system since they didn't actually catch anyone in the act of the crime.


thankfully i don't drink so if i am in the system i can voluntarily be tested if they really wanna know.

but now i have peace of mind with it and thats what i was looking for so thanks very much.


Oh ... your in it ... :thumbs: :thumbs:


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