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My Saltwater Aquarium

SS Silv

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Here are some pics of my SW aquarium. I specialize in SPS coral, which are the most colorful, rare and most expensive corals available. Most of the SPS corals in my tank are small but they will grow into large colonies. An average SPS coral in my tank costs about 50$ for a small peice. I have atleast 20 SPS corals. It is depressing to total the amount of money that I have invested in this tank, but it is sooo rewarding. The colors and details of these corals are amazing.















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I can personally relate to the different corals you have in your tank as I have had the exact setup in years past. I had to sell my 320 gallon reef tank setup due to a divorce and I miss it terribly. What type of wet/dry setup are you using in your sump? are you making your own RO water? ok I'll stop with the questions, but you have a nice looking setup :cheers:

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I can personally relate to the different corals you have in your tank as I have had the exact setup in years past. I had to sell my 320 gallon reef tank setup due to a divorce and I miss it terribly. What type of wet/dry setup are you using in your sump? are you making your own RO water? ok I'll stop with the questions, but you have a nice looking setup :cheers:

Thanks man!


The tank is a 55 gallon which will be upgraded to a 125 when I move. Currently, I have a 20 gallon sump with a Euro Reef Skimmer (bad ass) I use Reef Crystals salt and I have a 7 stage RO/DI which produces 0 TDS. I will be adding a calcium reactor when I upgrade to the 125, but for now I am dosing kalk water and 2 part calcium and alkalinity. All of my SPS are from ORA corals (top notch) if you don't know who ORA is.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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Wow that looks killer!

What kind of lighting do you have in there to be able to grow all of those?



And I got all excited throwing my first Coral in today..



But then again my tank is pretty bare..



BTW your shots look 200% better than mine, what settings do you use on your camera?

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Wow that looks killer!

What kind of lighting do you have in there to be able to grow all of those?

And I got all excited throwing my first Coral in today..



But then again my tank is pretty bare..



BTW your shots look 200% better than mine, what settings do you use on your camera?


I have T5 lighting. As for the camera, this all depends on which camera you have. I use a Panasonic with a lumix lense. There are too many variables when it comes to taking pictures. There isn't just one setting.

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beautiful...makes me hate my ex wife even more for the same reason as someone else already stated lol...one day i will have one again...but these are 2 expensive hobbies to have



you going to go with halides when you go up to the 125?

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Very nice tank! Not trying to hijack the thread, but since we're in the spirit of talking aquariums, here are a few pics of mine...a 90 gallon reef, 54 gallon corner freshwater planted, and 168 gallon agressive reef...Feel free to comment :)





















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aww come on guys stock making my 115 look like crap :P


You picks look great too 06, your def doing something right in that first tank to keep all of that alive. Right now all I got for light is two 60 w t5's from tek, but I plan on getting 2 more then I find the time/cash.

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