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Truck Stolen! Rebuild Finally Underway 2/9/2009


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My truck was stolen last year :mad: you can imagine how i felt...... since i had a good insurance company they paid my truck off and let me keep the truck. I finally saved up enough cash to rebuild it and your all welcome to come along with me as i have my baby rebuilt . Updates to follow . Here is where I am now





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wow. thats messed up. keep us postted on the build. how much is everything going to cost you?



Well i picked up abunch of parts from Craigslist and online here and there since the truck was stolen so i really havent seen the cost add up, its gonna be about 3 Grand.

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Your a bigger man then me. If I had to see my truck like that afterwords I would have walked away. Good luck on the build and keep the pics coming.


X2!..............I don't even think I would have been able to look at the truck without cryin' like a baby....... :(

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