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How's This Economy Affecting You?


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Just curious how the economy is affecting everyone. Your families? Do you think it will turn around soon?


For me, it hasn't affected my day to day life very much other than the store I work at being a ghost town and of course my 401k is about half what it used to be. :cry: Most of it with me is that I'm afraid to make any large purchase in case it gets worse. Just trying to hang on to what I've got. House and vehicles are paid for so no worries there, but my daughter is going to college soon and I worry about enough money for that. My parents are having to pay for their own health insurance after 38 years with GM which irritates me to no end. :M16: My brother got laid off last year and still hasn't found anything. (if anyone knows someone looking for a plastic injection mold repairman or a good welder let me know).


So how's it affecting your lives? Let hear the stories.

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Tough for all Metro ADetroiters Bob, I am a UAW rep at a plant in Detroit...

NO ONE is spending money, and if they need credit they can't get it....The normal gray cloud is black...

Mood around here is that it will get worse before it gets better...

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Many of my family members have been affected. My nephew and a cousin have both been laid off and my moms company is going down hill also. My eBay business has really slowed down so that sucks and my work has laid off 600 people so far and are not filling 900 open positions. We also won't get a bonus this year so that sucks. hopefully I'll get a decent pay raise soon. Being single is costing me $300 more per month in taxes. That's take home pay not gross.

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everything is still the same in my neck of the woods but gas is going up like a mother

f--ker.. it was $ 1.53 for a while and then in 3 weeks is has come up to $2.51. has the price of oil wen't up?


no. oil is pretty low but they say gas is going up because gas production is going down. Gas people want to make more money lol. It got down to around $1.49 around here but it's back up to almost $2.00 a gallon.

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Being in the pharmaceutical business has it advantages. Everyone gets sick and doctors still prescribe medication so my company is pretty stable right now. My wife works for the 3rd largest power company in the US, but due to the housing market they are not seeing new start ups and turning much of the power off to homes and businesses no longer occupied. Our 401K tanked a bit, but that should rebound like it always does. It has been a long time since I have bought anything for the truck and my wish list gets bigger by the day. Holding onto what I have right now unless something special comes my way that is worth picking up. Change is good, but change takes time. :cheers:

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it seems to be doing ok in montana i havent seen to much change they laid off a few people at my work but today the owner came to me and asked which one he should hire back. cause its getting crazy busy again. i have 2 jobs and ive been able to work as many hoursas i want so thats good. between both jobs i worked 84 hours last week. they r still building houses here and new companys are moving in still.

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I'll add a serious comment - situation here in north Dallas/Plano area is doing much better this month, my girlfriend is a massage therapist and she's slammed with work now in the last 3 weeks, however we know a few other people that are barely making ends meet. But I do think the economy here has steadied itself.


Mr. P.

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As far as my career goes ... I will be fine ... but we are not going to be getting a raise this year and mostlikely not next year either ...


Sadly though ... as people loose their jobs/careers/pension around us. My job will only increase in call volume and larceny crimes .... The sadest of them all, even if people can not afford the basics in life, they still find money for Drugs, Booze and Cigarettes ....


We are lucky in the fact that I have a State Pension ... It has taken a hit, but I will not have to worry about loosing any money or services when I retire.


But things have slowed right down around our area, as in spending money. People are affraid to spend, along with hardley any jobs in the first place, I can see this lasting for a few years, before it turns around.

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