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April Fools


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Just curious as to what everyone pulled today as april fools jokes.. Lets hear what you got !




I'm still trying to brew up a good one.. I fear it might be to late in the day though :laugh:


Maybe I can borrow one of your guys' :cheers:



BTW.. here = hear in the topic :happysad:

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I'm usually the victim, not the joke player! :jester:



LOL.. Dave already got me today with a Radix mishap that supposedly happend... and whats retarded is I fell for it :laugh:

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i happen to be off today... and the wife doesnt know.. and i am gonna tell her that i quit my job... btw i am the sole provider for my family and i am supporting her cause she going to nursing school...8_19_1.gif



thats good one :lol:

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i told one of the girls in my class that my gf was pregnant with twins (we havent had sex) but she didnt know that.. i told her she was due dec 19th. she was like OMG!!! i said this " yea im gonna be a dad but im not sure if theyre hers" and she was like :wtf:




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ive only done a few today .


got my boss good, put a 48 inch zip tie on his drive shaft and took the creeper with me so he had to crawl under the truck to get it off.


also got my girl . put a rubber band around the spray hose in the sink so when she turned it on , it spunked on her. i love big n's and white tee's!!

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cmon sean youve seen her before!!


on of the pranks ive never had a chance to do but plan to as soon as i can get someones car for an hour,


i want to wire the brake lights into the horn . how great would that be.



another screwed one is to put grease along somone's wipers , before hand slightly have them up like they were turned off to early that way the operator turns them on and smears grease everywhere.

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I rubberbanded my boss's chair to the desk leg, so it would snap back every time he pulled it out. I also loosened the phone cord on his receiver, so that when he answered the phone, the cord would fall out in his lap. :devil:



I shrink wrapped and caution taped my Captain's car at the FD this evening, and colored his windshield in with soap........left him a small 4x4 box to see out of. :ninja:

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We have a girl in work that has about five different bottles of hand lotion on her desk. We're always kidding her about it. So for the past few weeks, we've been collecting bottles of lotion to put in her office on April 1st. We ended up with 60 bottles and they were all over her desk, windowsills, file cabinet, etc. When she walked in her office, she stopped in shock and I came up behind her and said, "Do you have any hand lotion?" Everyone cracked up.


Another person was in their office on a conference call with the door closed. We used packaging tape across the door way and then hung toilet paper. When she opened the door, she had to use scissors to get out.


Oh, and then we did the old put a rubber band around the sink sprayer so whoever turns on the water gets blasted. :D

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