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Some Awesome Video Editing


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WOW that was amazing, I do a bit of video editing, filming and stuff and omfg that's verrrry high quality! Honestly you guys know how good the top gear filming and editing staff is, I thought that was better. IMO of course. Can't say as much for the cars though... the clips of them taking of I could swear were in "slow motion". but none the less that was The Best car video I have ever seen, those guys are pretty dam good! It may persuade me to buy a HD camera and up my standards a bit! :P

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WOW that was amazing, I do a bit of video editing, filming and stuff and omfg that's verrrry high quality! Honestly you guys know how good the top gear filming and editing staff is, I thought that was better. IMO of course. Can't say as much for the cars though... the clips of them taking of I could swear were in "slow motion". but none the less that was The Best car video I have ever seen, those guys are pretty dam good! It may persuade me to buy a HD camera and up my standards a bit! :P


tell me about it i wanna try some of the stuff they did course i cant find anyone by me to help out lol you should check out thier other vids

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tell me about it i wanna try some of the stuff they did course i cant find anyone by me to help out lol you should check out thier other vids


Yea, I did they are all good, then I learned last night what dragons tail is. :eek: I want to drive on it except its 2000 miles away and full of police. :dupe: I would help ya out, buy I'm all the way out in the LA area.

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Yea, I did they are all good, then I learned last night what dragons tail is. :eek: I want to drive on it except its 2000 miles away and full of police. :dupe: I would help ya out, buy I'm all the way out in the LA area.


ive driven it in my colorado ;-)

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